I made chicken omelette today


30 Sep 2013
Local time
11:13 AM
I know this sounds weird, but since I was hungry and in a mood to experiment (usually both do not occur together) I made the standard basic omelette mix of two eggs, pieces of green chilly, some rings of onion, salt to taste.

I put this for frying on a pan. While it was frying, I added some pieces of shredded boneless chicken (had boiled it earlier and marinated in an Indian curry) to the omelette. The resulting combination was one hell of a thing. I think the marinated chicken made the difference. I enjoyed it completely.
Sounds tasty oivas! This shows that experimenting in the kitchen is not always frustrating nor something left for a mad scientist wanting to discover new things.

I have to try this myself. I love omelettes and this is improvised recipe you cooked is tempting :)
Doesn't sound weird at all. I usually add some kind of meat (whatever I find in the fridge) to my omelette and most times the results are great. Haven't tried marinated chicken (mainly because it's so delicious that I always eat all of it :D) but it certainly sounds good!
Sounds tasty oivas! This shows that experimenting in the kitchen is not always frustrating nor something left for a mad scientist wanting to discover new things.

I have to try this myself. I love omelettes and this is improvised recipe you cooked is tempting :)

Hey MyDigitalpoint,

Yeah you sure do try and let me know how it turned out. And +1 on the experimenting part. Not all experiments turn out bad.. :)
Doesn't sound weird at all. I usually add some kind of meat (whatever I find in the fridge) to my omelette and most times the results are great. Haven't tried marinated chicken (mainly because it's so delicious that I always eat all of it :D) but it certainly sounds good!

Hi crimsonghost747,

I can quite relate to going for the marinated chicken straight :wink: .. However, like I said that day my experimenting side was a bit more eager to try out than to eat straight out. Anyways, it is good to know that I am not the only one to have tried meat with omelette.. :)
That sounds amazing!
Whenever I make omelets I always add bacon, mushrooms, spinach, onion,cheese, salt, and pepper! Sometimes ill even add a little broccoli if I'm in the mood for it!
Now I want to try to make one with shredded chicken!
That sounds amazing!
Whenever I make omelets I always add bacon, mushrooms, spinach, onion,cheese, salt, and pepper! Sometimes ill even add a little broccoli if I'm in the mood for it!
Now I want to try to make one with shredded chicken!

Hi Sandra,

You do try and let me know how it goes. On the other hand, I am going to try your version. I will share my experience soon. :)
I always make chicken omelettes and they are so yummy. I also add in spinach and mushrooms and even a bit of cheese and then fold the omelette. I think eggs are brilliant and they are free (to me) so I always make the most out of them.
Chicken omelettes don't sound the tiniest bit odd to me either as one of the first dishes I learned to make as a child was an omelette. On Sunday mornings I would make omelettes for my grandparents and mom and I would often experiment by adding different ingredients e.g strips of chicken, ham, corn ect.. My mom and grandpa's favorite omelette creation was definitely my chicken omelette. The sad part of the story though is I couldn't partake in eating my own creations as I am allergic to eating eggs (on their own, not mixed into cake or bread).
I think omelettes can really go with ANYTHING you can imagine. Unless you're throwing in junk food like candy and chips, eggs are a fantastic meal to combine with anything like meat, vegetables, and spices. I think eggs should always be eaten for breakfast and should remain the basis of it!
Sounds confusing! How did you manage chicken in an omelette? That's truly interesting and the way you elaborated yours recipe makes me feel like giving it a try. But I didn't get how actually I should start it, this is because I'm very poor in cooking. It is only sometimes, very rare, that I succeeded in my cooking programs and that is the reason I try very less recipes by myself. Anyways great combo mate. Hope your hunger is fully satisfied :)
I think omelettes can really go with ANYTHING you can imagine. Unless you're throwing in junk food like candy and chips, eggs are a fantastic meal to combine with anything like meat, vegetables, and spices. I think eggs should always be eaten for breakfast and should remain the basis of it!
I can honestly tell you they do not work with smoked (white) salmon & white cheese. Trust me I have tried it when I was cycling through Belarus and it was horrible. I did not finish that meal and as a hungry cyclist in very cold weather, leaving a meal unfinished can only mean one thing.
I don't think I have ever tried chicken in an omelette, but I have put turkey lunch meat in it, and was pleased with the results. As long as it is a good brand of lunch meat, that is actual meat, and not just a gelatinous mold of meat scraps injected with water. I've also been considering making a shrimp one too, if I could ever keep my hands off of the leftover shimp whenever I have it.
I always make chicken omelettes and they are so yummy. I also add in spinach and mushrooms and even a bit of cheese and then fold the omelette. I think eggs are brilliant and they are free (to me) so I always make the most out of them.

Hi Pipps,

Hmm.. Spinach and mushrooms and maybe some spices. That sounds good, let me give it a try.. Thanks for sharing!
Chicken omelettes don't sound the tiniest bit odd to me either as one of the first dishes I learned to make as a child was an omelette. On Sunday mornings I would make omelettes for my grandparents and mom and I would often experiment by adding different ingredients e.g strips of chicken, ham, corn ect.. My mom and grandpa's favorite omelette creation was definitely my chicken omelette. The sad part of the story though is I couldn't partake in eating my own creations as I am allergic to eating eggs (on their own, not mixed into cake or bread).


Thanks for sharing! I am bit amused and confused about one thing. You cannot eat egg, yet make omelettes which your grandparents like, how do you manage to do that? In fact, you are the second person I am hearing this from. My wife does not drink tea yet she makes such a brilliant tea for me that I cannot express them in sentences. So, then the question is how exactly are your brains wired? :) :)
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