I was Given This Oster Convection Toaster Oven!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
12:46 PM
Brighton, MA.

Alright, I know what I said about not cluttering up the kitchen, but this Oster convection toaster oven was given to me, & I just couldn't refuse it!

At least, I did not have to pay for it. I will clean it before I use it to make it look brand spanking new It is on the counter right now, waiting to be cleaned, but trust me, I DO have a place for it when not in use!

So that it won't clutter up the counter space. :wink:
Nice one - it looks like it's just the right size for a person who lives on their own. Can you pretty much cook anything in it?
Pretty much!

I want to see about getting a small broil pan & rack to fit inside there for cooking steaks or chops. :wink:
I have one almost the same and use it a lot. It saves using power in a main oven. I use it to char red peppers (cut into strips first) , to grill tomatoes, cook bacon slices and much much more. But I did get rid of the toaster when I bought it - to save counter space.
I have one almost the same and use it a lot. It saves using power in a main oven. I use it to char red peppers (cut into strips first) , to grill tomatoes, cook bacon slices and much much more. But I did get rid of the toaster when I bought it - to save counter space.

Yeah, it can be used for a lot of things, and it won't heat up the kitchen like your regular oven will!! :wink:
You will love it.
I do all my baking in mine during the summer.


At first, I wasn't going to take it, but then I thought to myself; What the heck! It would make a great 2nd oven! Especially when I do a lot of baking for a big family dinner or for holiday cooking, since the stove's oven is small. :wink:

At first, I wasn't going to take it, but then I thought to myself; What the heck! It would make a great 2nd oven! Especially when I do a lot of baking for a big family dinner or for holiday cooking, since the stove's oven is small. :wink:
Is that the one that holds a 9 by 13 pan?
Mine is the analog one.

I think so.

Here's the actual oven.

It has to be cleaned with oven cleaner before I can use it. I will take a pic of the oven's interior when it has been cleaned. It has baked-on grease which must be removed first. :headshake::stop:
I'll continue to look for the broiler pan. I've read online that certain sizes of the B&D pans might fit this unit! :wink:
I looked at the link. I can save $23 by looking in my cabinet. :wink:
Nice set.

That a girl, Cinisajoy!

The broiler pan that came with this oven, whoever had it, is missing, so I'm looking for perfectly sized bakeware or a broiler pan that would fit into the unit nicely. :wink:
It shouldn't be too hard to find that pan.
I figured you would have one in your cabinet.
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