If you could have only 1 item for breakfast, what would it be?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
10:42 AM
If I could have only 1 item for breakfast, I would choose some kind of cereal, preferably oatmeal or oat flakes. These can be fairly filling and would keep me satisfied for a few hours. Using raisins with the oats would be an added bonus. My next choice after oats would be 2 fried eggs or 2 scrambled eggs, since eggs are a good source of protein and would also keep me satisfied for a long time.

What item would you choose?
If I had to pick just one thing it would be bread, I think! I'm not an egg-eater so that rules those out...and usually if I have yogurt I like it with something, like berries or granola. So if we're just saying one thing it would be plain old bread!
If I had to pick one item for a breakfast that would be a boiled egg. I am already satisfied with this and I do not feel hungry after a few hours even I do not eat a full breakfast.
I would love to keep my toast and a fluffy scrambled egg. That would go well with a freshly brewed hot cup of coffee. That is what makes my breakfast pretty much each day.
I can't see choosing cereal as an option because I don't like it dry. Similarly I don't like dry toast, but I do love freshly cooked warm bread, ideally sourdough so if that counts (dark rye, wholemeal flour, honey and sunflower seeds) then I'll settle for that, otherwise it would have to be my cauldron foods Lincolnshire sausages... :chef: second would be last night's curry!
If I had to choose one food for breakfast it would be bacon! Definitely bacon! I do like warm bread also so if I couldn't have bacon I would have some kind of warm, fresh bread.
If I had to pick one item for a breakfast that would be a boiled egg. I am already satisfied with this and I do not feel hungry after a few hours even I do not eat a full breakfast.

That's also my choice - boiled egg. From my grade school teachers, they say that the egg is one complete meal. For us kids, we were advised to eat one boiled egg every day when we cannot have fried egg. Take note, just one egg because we were still young at that time. But for adults, the prescription is 2 eggs to supplement our protein needs. Even now that I am middle aged, I sometimes boil 2 eggs when I am not in the mood to eat. At least I give my body the nutrition it needs so I don't feel weak and hungry.
Id have a boiled egg as well, or poached, or scrambled. I don't care which. Non fattening and lots of protein. Dont like dry cereal, or cereal bars.
So Caribbean girl, did you really mean one item? That's a tricky thing. Dry cereal like Sat mentioned would be quite a stretch unless it's fruit loops or something sweet like that. I was tempted to say a slice of toast but I need something on that toast. If I must I am going to go with an egg in whatever form.
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As I never eat breakfast this is an interesting question. I can choose anything I want to eat for later! :D OK. Oysters win. Closely followed by lobster. With crab creeping up on the near side (do crabs creep?).

If you really pushed me on this one, I'd probably say smoked haddock or kippers. I can do that for breakfast if I must eat that early in the morning. Eggs come next on the list.
I can't see choosing cereal as an option because I don't like it dry. Similarly I don't like dry toast, but I do love freshly cooked warm bread, ideally sourdough so if that counts (dark rye, wholemeal flour, honey and sunflower seeds) then I'll settle for that, otherwise it would have to be my cauldron foods Lincolnshire sausages... :chef: second would be last night's curry!

Last night's curry is cheating as it contains more than one thing (that would be like me saying Kedgeree). I do agree though!
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