Is it hard for you to eat other people's cooking?

Hey I would actually eat the food prepared by a pprofessional chef if they're good. I know that that is stupid, but hey they make dishes for a living so they know how to make food for family and friends.
I don't mind eating anything that comes to my plate. That's a habit, interesting my wife finds annoying, since I never end up giving any constructive feedback. I think this habit of mine comes from my Mom's teaching of considering anything that comes to my plate to be a blessing from God and therefore, eating it without fuss. So, that has stayed with me.

To answer your question, I will never have a problem eating anywhere or with anyone.
It all depends but usually I love when others cook for me, especially meat dishes.
For whatever reason when I prepare a meat dish, it is not as appetizing to me to eat it after I made it, if someone else makes it though I love it.
I think that because I see the meat when it is raw and I am the one making it makes me not want it anymore because I find raw meat disgusting. :/
I am picky about whose cooking I will eat. I like my family's cooking because I have eaten a lot of it, and I like my own cooking because I think I do ok with whatever I cook. Not everyone is a good cook nor is everyone a clean cook, so I like to be careful about whose cooking I eat.
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