It's time to warm up with chili


5 Jan 2015
Local time
6:30 AM
Its winter time and I love making chili. What your favorite type of chili? Do you like it super spicy or mild? Do you like white chicken chili or regular chili with beef?
I love chili! I even grow my own. The hotter the better as far as I'm concerned. I make chili with ground beef as it's so cheap. I also do a chicken and chili casserole, curries and make my own hot sauce.
I love spicy food and the way my mouth always feels like it's stuffed with explosives! I prefer the chilli very hot with a great kick.
I read somewhere though that very hot foods are not too good for anyone, especially in regards to bowel movement! I still eat my hot foods though...
I love chilli, too. I cannot eat any meal without chilli. However, mild is good to me, super spicy would make my tounge lose taste.
I prefer a nice hot bowl of beef chili most of the time, but will make chicken chili occassionally just to change things up a bit. I add a lot of vegetables to mine and prefer it to be hot and spicy.
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