Juicer recommendations

Gene Gibly

25 Apr 2013
Local time
2:58 AM
Does anyone here have a particular brand / juicer they would recommend?

Preferably a small footprint and easy to clean.
The only one that I did own, I can perhaps warn you against buying it for several reasons. I had the Jack LaLane Juicer, the white model. I had problems with it right from the get go. The plastic itself stains easily, so if you are juicing things such as carrots or beets, you'll wish you chose the black model instead because they leave permanent stains on the plastic pretty quickly. The unit overall is very big and takes up a lot of space.

When juicing, the spout is very low so you can't stand a regular tall glass under it. You never really know how much juice is going to come out of it, and if your glass starts to overflow it will spill juice all over your counter - keep a bowl or something on hand to catch the extra juice. I would generally have to juice into a shallow bowl, then try and pour that into a glass or bottle.

There were a lot of parts to clean up as well, just to make a glass of juice. They take up a lot of space in your dishwasher too. The spinning blade attachment is incredibly sharp and it's very easy to cut yourself when removing it to clean it. The unit also comes with a special tool for screwing the blade into place and unscrewing it. This tool is very easy to lose - though it does come with magnets so you can stick it to your fridge.

I mentioned the unit stains easily, which is primarily on the inside of the device - with the exception of the pulp basket, which is clear but also gets stained.

As far as juicing, I was pleased with the juice it created - it's still a bit pulpy but that is good for you. Stuff like Apple Juice will typically look green at first until it's had some time to rest, then it will get more like your standard apple cider look to it. The unit spins pretty powerfully, so sometimes when you drop fruit and other stuff into it, they will shoot back out of it. You still need to do some prep work before juicing, peeling and cutting everything down to size before making your juice, so it's not very fast from start to finish - prepping, juicing, taking apart the machine to clean out all the parts, clean up all the extra cutting boards, bowls etc...
When juicing, the spout is very low so you can't stand a regular tall glass under it. You never really know how much juice is going to come out of it, and if your glass starts to overflow it will spill juice all over your counter - keep a bowl or something on hand to catch the extra juice. I would generally have to juice into a shallow bowl, then try and pour that into a glass or bottle.

Isn't it amazing that such basic mistakes make it through the design process!:facepalm:
Does anyone here have a particular brand / juicer they would recommend?

Preferably a small footprint and easy to clean.
Any self cleaning juicier will do. They cost most than your standard, but they are worth it. The only down side to juicing with a standard Jack La Lane type is the clean up. I don't care much for the cleanup.
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