Just found a new favourite snack... wasabi peas


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:44 PM
SE Australia
Humbinger Wasabi Peas...
seriously hard work NOT eating the entire packet in one sitting... :D

Oh yes, I'm partial to a wasabi pea. Or several. I don't like them too hot, just hot enough to be tasty..
sounds like these would be ideal for you. There were only 3 in the entire pack that made my nose hurt! :cry:

first time I have had them, though we use wasabi paste in our recipes. Usually have dried broad beans but can't easily get hold of them at the moment - food doctor have some dried mixed beans which are excellent, but too expensive.
Isn't wasabi like a pepper, as opposed to a curry, in that it irritates your nose and can have a 'hot zing' to it, but it doesn't hang around for long afterwards like oil-based curries?
sounds like these would be ideal for you. There were only 3 in the entire pack that made my nose hurt! :cry:

first time I have had them, though we use wasabi paste in our recipes. Usually have dried broad beans but can't easily get hold of them at the moment - food doctor have some dried mixed beans which are excellent, but too expensive.

OT slightly, do you ever dry your own broad beans? They are something I've grown well in the past, but sometimes you get such a glut, and I'd like a go at drying some. When I get round to growing any, once we've got a garden!

(So no rush then....)
OT slightly, do you ever dry your own broad beans? They are something I've grown well in the past, but sometimes you get such a glut, and I'd like a go at drying some. When I get round to growing any, once we've got a garden!

(So no rush then....)

Like you, currently no garden and the ones I did grew at our last home were usually lucky to survive to the kitchen - I am horrendous when it comes to snacking on raw beans & peas straight off the plant!
but I do do my own spicy roasted chickpeas in the oven and am looking at one or two others. tomorrow I am trying some roasted black eyed beans because I managed to cook too many for a bean & mushroom pate I did today... so then it is just a case of seasonings.... but broad beans I have not tried, though I have found a couple of places selling dried broad beans online which I might try - you rehydrate, cook and then roast or fry them normally for the roasted spicey bean option.
I know what you mean about snacking on fresh peas, I don't think any of my allotment crop ever made it home! But less so broad beans, especially when they start to get a bit big and old.
roasted those black eyed beans this morning. none left now. yummy. possibly a touch drier than I wanted but shall work on the times a touch more. would make for a nice change and home done ones don't need to be salted....
just tossed them in some olive oil in a plastic bag before cooking so less oil and thoroughly coated and roasted them at 170C for around 1 hour being careful not to burn them...
I bought a small pack of these at Morrisons at the weekend - erm, not really to my taste - had about four or five of them and then binned the rest. Too strong for my nose I'm afraid. Perhaps if they had a little less zing I might have persisted.
The funny thing is tha last night we had a little dish of them on the table and were dipping in. Three or four times, NT got one so hot it hurt his nose. I never did!
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