Knife & Fork or Hands

Do you eat pizza with your hands or with a knife and fork?

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:13 PM
SE Australia
A recent email from a pizza company (PizzaExpress) left me wondering how do you eat pizza?
Do you always use a knife and fork? Do you always use your hands no matter how messy they may get? Or do you sometimes eat with your hands and sometimes with a knife & fork? (Spoons are permitted.)
calzone type pizzas with a knife and fork,and flat thin crust or thick crust pizza ,just divide up ,fold and eat with your fingers
Cut it into pieces first then use hands all the time. There is no other way to eat pizza
I use hands only, I don't really like getting my hands dirty but I've no earned his to hold it by the crush so I stay on retry clean. I don't like trying to get the cheese soft forks. That is one thing I find extremely annoying and will avoid having to deal with.
Well although I do not like getting my hands dirty, I always eat pizza with my hands. I just hold it by the crust with both hands and eat it. Usually I would end up using 2 napkins during and after eating it.
As is often the case, depends on circumstances.
Friday night, at home, not 'at table', bottle of Montepulciano, always with knife and fork. (wine is drunk from a glass, not the bottle!). If there is any warm, dry crust left over, drizzle with olive oil and use fingers!
In Napoli, at any of the wondrous pizza parlours, a slice or two in hand, surely it would be considered not the done thing to use utensils!
How about you, SNSSO?

(And surely you don't eat at Pizza Express?!!)
When sharing a pizza with others I will pick individual slices to eat with my fingers. My home made pizzas (each one is slightly smaller than a dinner plate) are always eaten with a knife and fork because they have a thin base, a thick cheese layer and toppings that could drop off.
How about you, SNSSO?

(And surely you don't eat at Pizza Express?!!)
PizzaExpress are one of the few companies that actually cater for vegans! There is something on the menu at every level. OK the garlic bread or dough balls need to be done with olive oil not butter (which they will happily do if asked, and often they will do balsamic vinegar and olive oil as a dip as well), there is a vegan pizza on the menu (or was last time I was there) and there is a vegan sorbet (just don't eat the dark chocolate straw which has dairy in it!)

Me, I am quite happy to eat with my hands, or knife & fork as needed and have voted!
I am straining my brain to see if I can remember eating pizza with a knife and fork and I am coming up near empty. Perhaps I did once or twice but it would have been so rare that it would not count, so I am going to say I always eat it with my hands. It's a fun thing when you stop and think about it. Depending on the crust, it might be pretty awkward to try to eat with a knife and fork I think.
I use a knife and fork if out in a restaurant, like Frankie and Benny's. Simply because everyone else seems to and they give you whole pizzas with a knife and fork. It's an inconvenience though, I find it irritating to do. But at home, whether it's oven pizza or takeaway, it's definitely hands.

I'm surprised that some people eat it at home with a knife and fork, I always thought it was just when out, for appearances sake!
I absolutely love pizza with a nice runny yolked egg or two cooked on top, especially if its with spinach. Its much easier to eat that with a knife and fork.
It depends for me but I usually eat it with just my hands. I'd probably use a knife and fork if the pizza's still really hot or the toppings are melting off of it and it would be really messy if I just handled it with my hands. Eating pizza is just 10 times better when you're eating it with your hands for me. It's just so fun and I feel like a kid whenever I do so. But there's never a right way to eat pizza. As long as you like pizza and eat it, then it's all good. :)
Hands any time.

The one time I was offered the "advice" to use a knife & fork, my tip to the waiter at the end of the night was never tell someone how to eat, unless asked first.
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