Knife Holding Survey


Über Member
31 Oct 2016
Local time
12:40 AM
I'm currently undertaking a personal project to create a safe knife to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) kitchen knife related injuries. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a minute to fill out this form. Hopefully I'll be able to save a few trips to the E.R. ! :hungry:
I would be very interested since I have a tendency to get small cuts from very sharp knives.
I completed your survey.
I do have a good size scar from when I was 16. I sliced my finger instead of the cheese. It was 7 stitches.
I probably cut myself once a fortnight but up to now all damage has been taken care of by Bandaids.
Done, I usually just end up slicing a touch of skin off rather than actually cutting myself when it comes to kitchen knives. In fact I can't think of any involving kitchen knives needing more than a clean and a plaster. All my bad cuts have been from outdoor knives, pen knives, and 5 stitches being needed from using a pair of scissors instead of wire cutters!
I did remove a portion of skin from my thumb as a cleaner when I was cleaning one of those filter coffee machine jugs. They type that have a brown plastic ring around the top that hold the jug and makes a handle. It hid the fact that there was a section of glass missing and as I ran the scrubber around the inside of the jug I removed a portion of skin. Never felt a thing but my friend, a first aider fainted when she came to see where I was. The washing up bowl water was red with blood and I hadn't noticed yet!
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Unable to complete due to "Rate in order of importance (with 1 being the most important), the factors that would influence your decision in buying a product to reduce knife related injuries." not able to take the answers given.
Unable to complete due to "Rate in order of importance (with 1 being the most important), the factors that would influence your decision in buying a product to reduce knife related injuries." not able to take the answers given.

The form is flawed.
The form is flawed.
all surveys usually are. the answers reflect the persons interests and beliefs and what they are trying to prove.

Or is it actually broken now? I was working when I did it, but you can only have one answer per column and row, so no column or row can have more than 1 dot in it.

I personally didn't like the answers either, but surveys are an interesting way of seeing how other people perceive things with the questions they ask and answers that have to be ranked.
Knife Skills..jpg

Here's a link that I Googled just now.

And the pic posted above shows how to do it :wink:
I can understand the rows but not the column restriction.
Yes it is one box per row as well as one box per column. I was trying to find out what would be the most important feature in a ranking order. For example, if 'most important' was selected for all the features it wouldn't provide much useful information.

My bad! I should have made this clearer in the survey
Chinese Cleaver..jpg

I DO have chefs' knives, but I often find myself using THIS, THE Chinese cleaver!
I've gotten too used to it and have become spoiled with it!! :wink:
Isn't a sharp knife the safest?

Less effort required by the user, than a knife with less edge.
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