Liver Cleansing Rules to Live By


8 Nov 2014
Local time
3:40 AM
1 Do not eat if you are not hungry ... listen to your body. Consume water or a raw juice instead.
2 Drink 8 to 12 large glasses of water daily to cleanse your liver
3 Avoid eating large amounts of sugar ... substitute dried fruits (check organic)
4 Don't become obsessed with measuring calories
5 Avoid foods that you may be allergic to (if something upsets you, avoid it)
6 Follow good hygiene ... this includes not re-heating foods that have already been re-heated as well as the usual hand-washing etc.
7 Do not eat when you feel stressed or anxious as the blood flow will not go to the liver for processing - it will go elsewhere
8 Eat organic and pesticide-free
9 Obtain your protein from diverse sources, like legumes, not just animal products
10 Choose breads and spreads wisely - check the label for no extra ingredients
11 Avoid constipation with plenty of raw fresh fruits and vegetables
12 Avoid excessive saturated or damaged fats ... BUT, consume the healthy fats like olive oil and those found in raw nuts.

This is a quick checklist I compiled from a No 1 best-seller book in Australia written by Dr Sandra Cabot called The Liver Cleansing Diet.
Thanks for this list. It is very interesting and informative. I usually obey rule No. 1. When it comes to drinking water, I tend to drink that only when I am thirsty. That usually comes to about 3 glasses of water a day; it may be slightly more on a very hot day.

I started to cut back on my sugar intake a couple months ago. I think I obtain my protein from diverse sources. Peanut butter, cheese and eggs are also a good source of protein. I do eat lots of vegetables, but I think I could add a little more fruit to my diet, although I do drink plenty of fruit juices.

When it comes to breads and spreads, I seldom read the labels on the spreads, so I will have to start doing this. I once used olive oil in my cooking, but not these days, so I guess I could start using this again since I know it is the healthier choice.
That's a good reminder. I have discovered for myself that I should not eat when I am anxious as that tends to really upset my stomach as well and can cause various digestive discomforts later on as well.

I would mention that saturated fat is not necessarily a problem, damaged fat is. Organic butter, coconut oil, and the fat from grass fed beef are not bad for you like hydrogenated vegetable oils are. Olive oil is only healthy if it has not been overheated. Many people don't know that if they put it in their frying pan they are actually making dangerous transfats.
I already do most of what is on the list, or try to do it. I would love to eat organic vegetables all the time but my budget does not stretch that far. They cost more than the vegetables I buy, and I do love all sorts of veg.

As for water, I do drink tap water sometimes, but I use it mostly to make herbal infusions. Drinking those all day my way of including water in my diet.
1 Do not eat if you are not hungry ... listen to your body. Consume water or a raw juice instead.
2 Drink 8 to 12 large glasses of water daily to cleanse your liver
3 Avoid eating large amounts of sugar ... substitute dried fruits (check organic)
4 Don't become obsessed with measuring calories
5 Avoid foods that you may be allergic to (if something upsets you, avoid it)
6 Follow good hygiene ... this includes not re-heating foods that have already been re-heated as well as the usual hand-washing etc.
7 Do not eat when you feel stressed or anxious as the blood flow will not go to the liver for processing - it will go elsewhere
8 Eat organic and pesticide-free
9 Obtain your protein from diverse sources, like legumes, not just animal products
10 Choose breads and spreads wisely - check the label for no extra ingredients
11 Avoid constipation with plenty of raw fresh fruits and vegetables
12 Avoid excessive saturated or damaged fats ... BUT, consume the healthy fats like olive oil and those found in raw nuts.

This is a quick checklist I compiled from a No 1 best-seller book in Australia written by Dr Sandra Cabot called The Liver Cleansing Diet.
I agree but I say get your protein from a clean source. Plants have the best quality of protein by far. You don't need to eat dead animals to get your protein. I get plenty of protein from a clean place. Other then the protein issue, this is some really great information. Thanks for sharing.
3 Avoid eating large amounts of sugar ... substitute dried fruits (check organic)
5 Avoid foods that you may be allergic to (if something upsets you, avoid it)

point 3 - dried fruit still has large amounts of sugar in it. dates are one of the worst offenders, but they counter this sugar excess by having large amounts of fibre in them as well. the fibre controls the bodies absorption rate of the sugar in the fruit which is why dried fruit is better for you than straight sugar.

Point 5. Please don't confuse a food intolerance with a food allergy. It is often done and there is a considerable difference between the two. An allergy has a life threatening affect causing anaphylaxis to some degree and at its worst can kill you very quickly. The phrase "if something upsets you, avoid it" refers to a food intolerance. This is completely different to an allergy.

Food allergy and food intolerance are NOT the same thing. With a food allergy, there is an abnormal reaction of the body's immune system to a particular food. This can range from a mild reaction to one that is severe and life-threatening (anaphylaxis). Food intolerance happens because the body has difficulty digesting certain substances in food, or because certain substances have a direct effect on the body in some way. Food intolerance can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, bloating and stomach cramps. However, with food intolerance there is no allergic reaction and the immune system is not involved.

People confusing the can lead to life threatening situations for those of us who are allergic to some food categories because it is often dismissed as not really a problem when in fact it can kill the person concerned.
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