Master Chef


2 Aug 2015
Local time
5:25 PM
Virginia, USA
I have been watching Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay on Friday nights...(I lead an exciting life ) right?? Anyway, they are nearly down to the finale. I think in some ways this is pre ordained. I am almost certain that it will be a man this year, since last year it was a woman..and there is only one girl chef left in the bunch. I can not imagine cooking on the clock and rushing around...especially with someone scary like Gordon Ramsay in the mix. What about you do you watch Master Chef and would you ever enter a cooking contest?
I'm assuming this isn't the UK Masterchef as Gordon doesn't appear on that. I generally watch the UK series. Its been around for decades. I'm not a great fan of Gordon Ramsay on TV - although I do like his recipes. I just can't stand his manic approach. Would I ever enter a cooking contest? Possibly, but not one that involved having to do stints in professional kitchens (which the UK show includes). I'm not sure I'm very keen on being filmed, either.
There's no way I could do it! A lot of the time I even get nervous cooking when friends are coming over for dinner - I like things to look and taste perfect when I'm having company so I think it's just pressure that I put on myself.

I think a TV show would be about a million times more pressure than that!
I'm currently watching The Great British Bake Off. I think it is series 6. I've not watched them before and only watched this on because the first episode I saw was regarding breads and as some of you know I'm into sourdoughs at the moment, making my own :whistling: it has been interesting and I like it because most of the time they just let the contestants actually cook and leave them alone and don't create extra drama.

Would I ever enter a coming competition. No, I've only ever cooked meat a long time ago and even a standard baking competition would be problematic not being able to taste things because of my allergy to dairy!
Don't always believe the TV ,yes Gordon has high standards ,and plays up,for the TV ,but a hour of TV is a week of filming ,producers will always show you what sells their programmes ,as for doing any media you get nervous,it's outside your comfort zone ,with the professional master chef you should try and ascertain what the judges are looking for and what they are familiar with
I do watch it on occasion but not on a regular basis. I could never do it. I really don't like cooking for other
people. I am always nervous and self conscious. I don't mind cooking for family but when I am asked to cook
a dish for a pot luck I am always stressed out about it turning out and whether people will like it. I can't see
me having to cook under pressure like they do on that show,
I watch Master Chef too and just commented to my other half last week that I would never be able to do a cooking competition. There is way to much stress and not enough time to make the dishes.You would have to practice timed cooking sessions a lot at home before going on the show I think. It does not help when all of the drama is put into the mix. I am happy just to create good food at home!
I have stumbled on a lot of those shows from time to time but I don't like it. I like the cooking aspect but I get all caught up and emotional and cry when people get sent packing and all the rest of it. Then I come and read or hear it's all rigged and then I feel like I could have saved my tears for something real. No competition for me unless it's "quiet" competition where I make sure my dishes stand out if ever among the dishes of others.
Not sure what difference man / woman makes - surely you wouldn't want a woman to be 'given' a 'winning ticket' just because she was a woman ? As for the stress - well they all volunteered so good luck to them. Rigged ? Not sure - I suppose it might be 'adapted' to make good viewing, that's just what the TV companies do but I doubt it is a 'fixed' outcome from day one. Could I do it ? Nope - one reason being that most of the recipes are just too fancy.
Honestly, I am not a good cook and I am scared of competitions. I sometimes watch cooking shows, the local ones here conducted by Boy Logro, a famous chef. His cooking style seems easy to acquire. But what attracts people to his show is his flair for humor. He talks and jokes while cooking. And when the dish is cooked, he would distribute it to the audience for tasting.
I used to watch Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay. It was broadcasted by Star World in out territory.However, these days instead of Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay, they show Master Chef India,which is also my favorite show.
I love Materchef, though it is not presented by Gordon Ramsay in the UK. Two guys called Greg Wallace and John Torrode present it here. I love any program with Gordon Ramsay in it though. Personally, I would not enter a cooking contest that would be aired on the television, but my children and partner are always saying that I should.
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