Meal ideas required


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:50 PM
SE Australia
We have the following left in our cupboards to eat
  • 4 alpro unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 alpro original almond milk
  • 5 mini alpro chocolate soya milk drinks
  • 1 alpro soya milk custard
  • Some all natural custard powder
  • A small quantity of Waitrose golden caster sugar
  • A jar of Marmite
  • Some funky nut peanut butter
  • Marigold Swiss vegetable bouillon powder
  • Penne pasta (1 serving each left)
  • 1 thin noodle cluster
  • Palestinian Freekeh
  • Brown basmati rice
  • Spaghetti (1 serving each left)
  • 2 bulbs/heads of garlic
  • Some soya protein chunks (3 servings left)
  • Frozen chopped spinach
  • Frozen strawberries (1 single serving breakfast tomorrow!)
  • Frozen sweetcorn
  • Cauldron foods firm tofu
  • 5 eggs
  • Waitrose red lentil and chilli soup
  • Waitrose vibrant tomato and basil soup
  • A pot of co yo coconut milk live yoghurt
  • Tiana spreadable omega 3 butter
  • Some tamarind chutney
  • Some Spanish unpitted black olives
  • A tube of Suma tomato puree
  • 4 potatoes
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Tamari sauce (soya sauce)
  • 10 packets of polos :o_o:
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tins of braised tofu
  • 1 packet of dried mango pieces
  • 1 packet of silken tofu
  • A jar of teriyaki sauce
  • A packet of lentil and vegetable roast mix
  • Porridge oats
  • Muesli
  • ½ a loaf of sourdough bread
Our meals over the next few days could be interesting !

I need to come up with ideas... All must be vegan plus eggs.
I have all meals from now till Sunday evening to plan and the aim is not to buy anything. Plus my OH does not like Marmite or the coconut yoghurt and I'm on a diet.

I have Saturday and Sunday lunches sorted I think. The soups with the braised tofu or the cauldron foods firm tofu marinated plus the sourdough bread. That leaves 3 evening meals plus 2 more lunches at least and I'm not in the mood for jacket spuds because I know that is what my mother in law is making for Monday night. I will need something for evening meal at the airport on Tuesday, plus the fridge and freezer are going on Saturday...

We have the following left in our cupboards to eat
  • 4 alpro unsweetened almond milk
  • Marigold Swiss vegetable bouillon powder
  • Penne pasta (1 serving each left)
  • 1 thin noodle cluster
  • Palestinian Freekeh
  • Brown basmati rice
  • Spaghetti (1 serving each left)
  • 2 bulbs/heads of garlic
  • Some soya protein chunks (3 servings left)
  • Frozen chopped spinach
  • Frozen sweetcorn
  • Cauldron foods firm tofu
  • 5 eggs
  • Tiana spreadable omega 3 butter
  • Some tamarind chutney
  • Some Spanish unpitted black olives
  • A tube of Suma tomato puree
  • 4 potatoes
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Tamari sauce (soya sauce)
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 packet of dried mango pieces
  • 1 packet of silken tofu
  • A jar of teriyaki sauce
  • A packet of lentil and vegetable roast mix
    We have the following left in our cupboards to eat
    • 4 alpro unsweetened almond milk
    • 1 alpro original almond milk
    • 5 mini alpro chocolate soya milk drinks
    • 1 alpro soya milk custard
    • Some all natural custard powder
    • A small quantity of Waitrose golden caster sugar
    • A jar of Marmite
    • Some funky nut peanut butter
    • Marigold Swiss vegetable bouillon powder
    • Penne pasta (1 serving each left)
    • 1 thin noodle cluster
    • Palestinian Freekeh
    • Brown basmati rice
    • Spaghetti (1 serving each left)
    • 2 bulbs/heads of garlic
    • Some soya protein chunks (3 servings left)
    • Frozen chopped spinach
    • Frozen strawberries (1 single serving breakfast tomorrow!)
    • Frozen sweetcorn
    • Cauldron foods firm tofu
    • 5 eggs
    • Waitrose red lentil and chilli soup
    • Waitrose vibrant tomato and basil soup
    • A pot of co yo coconut milk live yoghurt
    • Tiana spreadable omega 3 butter
    • Some tamarind chutney
    • Some Spanish unpitted black olives
    • A tube of Suma tomato puree
    • 4 potatoes
    • Red wine vinegar
    • Tamari sauce (soya sauce)
    • 10 packets of polos :o_o:
    • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
    • 2 tins of braised tofu
    • 1 packet of dried mango pieces
    • 1 packet of silken tofu
    • A jar of teriyaki sauce
    • A packet of lentil and vegetable roast mix
    • Porridge oats
    • Muesli
    • ½ a loaf of sourdough bread
    Our meals over the next few days could be interesting !

    I need to come up with ideas... All must be vegan plus eggs.
    I have all meals from now till Sunday evening to plan and the aim is not to buy anything. Plus my OH does not like Marmite or the coconut yoghurt and I'm on a diet.

    I have Saturday and Sunday lunches sorted I think. The soups with the braised tofu or the cauldron foods firm tofu marinated plus the sourdough bread. That leaves 3 evening meals plus 2 more lunches at least and I'm not in the mood for jacket spuds because I know that is what my mother in law is making for Monday night. I will need something for evening meal at the airport on Tuesday, plus the fridge and freezer are going on Saturday...

Our meals over the next few days could be interesting !

I need to come up with ideas... All must be vegan plus eggs.
I have all meals from now till Sunday evening to plan and the aim is not to buy anything. Plus my OH does not like Marmite or the coconut yoghurt and I'm on a diet.

I have Saturday and Sunday lunches sorted I think. The soups with the braised tofu or the cauldron foods firm tofu marinated plus the sourdough bread. That leaves 3 evening meals plus 2 more lunches at least and I'm not in the mood for jacket spuds because I know that is what my mother in law is making for Monday night. I will need something for evening meal at the airport on Tuesday, plus the fridge and freezer are going on Saturday...


Its probably a bit late (I've been away for a few days) but one thing I thought of was a Frittata to use the eggs, spinach and sweetcorn. I don't know if you have some oil...but I would accompany this with little chunks of roasted potato (par-boiled first and then cut into small chunks and baked in the oven in oil).

For the airport meal, you could use the Freekeh and make a salad with tofu marinated in garlic and soy sauce, plus a little tamarind chutney, sweetcorn (if any left), finely chopped mango pieces mixed through it.
We have the following left in our cupboards to eat
  • 4 alpro unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 alpro original almond milk
  • 5 mini alpro chocolate soya milk drinks
  • 1 alpro soya milk custard
  • Some all natural custard powder
  • A small quantity of Waitrose golden caster sugar
  • A jar of Marmite
  • Some funky nut peanut butter
  • Marigold Swiss vegetable bouillon powder
  • Penne pasta (1 serving each left)
  • 1 thin noodle cluster
  • Palestinian Freekeh
  • Brown basmati rice
  • Spaghetti (1 serving each left)
  • 2 bulbs/heads of garlic
  • Some soya protein chunks (3 servings left)
  • Frozen chopped spinach
  • Frozen strawberries (1 single serving breakfast tomorrow!)
  • Frozen sweetcorn
  • Cauldron foods firm tofu
  • 5 eggs
  • Waitrose red lentil and chilli soup
  • Waitrose vibrant tomato and basil soup
  • A pot of co yo coconut milk live yoghurt
  • Tiana spreadable omega 3 butter
  • Some tamarind chutney
  • Some Spanish unpitted black olives
  • A tube of Suma tomato puree
  • 4 potatoes
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Tamari sauce (soya sauce)
  • 10 packets of polos :o_o:
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tins of braised tofu
  • 1 packet of dried mango pieces
  • 1 packet of silken tofu
  • A jar of teriyaki sauce
  • A packet of lentil and vegetable roast mix
  • Porridge oats
  • Muesli
  • ½ a loaf of sourdough bread
Our meals over the next few days could be interesting !

I need to come up with ideas... All must be vegan plus eggs.
I have all meals from now till Sunday evening to plan and the aim is not to buy anything. Plus my OH does not like Marmite or the coconut yoghurt and I'm on a diet.

I have Saturday and Sunday lunches sorted I think. The soups with the braised tofu or the cauldron foods firm tofu marinated plus the sourdough bread. That leaves 3 evening meals plus 2 more lunches at least and I'm not in the mood for jacket spuds because I know that is what my mother in law is making for Monday night. I will need something for evening meal at the airport on Tuesday, plus the fridge and freezer are going on Saturday...


I am not much of a cook but that is 1 heck of a challenge, good luck. Personally I would make a hash of some description but that is the easy way out, good for me but you are much more artistic in the kitchen.
how about making a makeshift Alfredo, and using either the tofu or what ever else you want to make fettuccine alfredo (any pasta would work) the almond milk would be a great source for milk/thickener also.

I don't see onions. but you could make some Grilled / Baked french onion soup. it would use some of your sour dough.
I did a tomatoes based dish in the end. There was an onion which got fried in the butter replacement with the garlic. Tamarind chutney was then added along with cooked soya chunks and fried for a few moments. The tin of tomatoes and some tomato concentrate were added along with half a tin of stock left over from cooking the soya chunks. Some thyme and rosemary from the garden was added. It was served over pasta with some chopped olives for a garnish.

The firm tofu was marinated in the red wine vinegar and tamari soya sauce with the remains of the tamarind chutney as the spices. This was fried and served over the soups on Saturday and Sunday. 1 pack does 4 servings.

The jacket potatoes joined the collection last night and 1 tin of braised tofu was added to 2 of them heated up for protein and flavour. We both like braised tofu but it is not cheap so occasional treat!

The other tin of braised tofu was eaten with another soup.

I bought some mushrooms which got made into a garlic and mushroom sauce using the soya cream and served over the pasta.

The night roast is on the menu tonight.

The final soup and some more soya chunks are today's lunch

The sourdough bread is getting sliced up to go with the Marmite and peanut butter for sandwiches tomorrow. I'll boil a few of the eggs as well to put in the car as snacks.

The rest is being left with my mother in-law.
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