Microwave-safe plates


7 Sep 2015
Local time
12:25 AM
Some food items require a microwave-safe plate for cooking the food (uncovered) in a microwave on the high setting. I found some containers with covers in the grocery store but they state that they are only for reheating food. I was surprised and put off by online reviews for a CorningWare product stating that they crack. Has anyone had any luck with this kind of product that may still be available? Thank you.
I'm surprised you have had an issue. What country are you in?

Here in the UK unless you are buying high end china it is actually quite difficult to get something that is not ' microwave safe'. Our best china is not, nor is it dishwasher proof (not that we have one) which we found out to our cost, but the new cheap stuff from Ikea is microwavable.
I have found the same thing here. Most dishes you buy are microwavable. I have never had any problems with any dishes that I have used in the microwave.
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