Money saving kitchen gadgets

16 Oct 2012
Local time
7:03 PM
I was browsing BBC Good Food - my favourite food website - and I came across this blog about money saving kitchen gadgets. I buy into most of them, but one thing that's missing in my opinion is a grater with an integrated bowl. I use it in so many recipes, it's unbelievable. And it makes food go further, so it's an obvious money saver.

What do you think? Are there any more gadgets missing from that list?
well I managed 3 of that list! (food dehydrator, sauspans & food containers).
my most useful item is a really old Prestige hand- egg whisk. the sort that the expected to be used and is lovely and smooth and great quality. picked it up, unused and still in its box about 6 years ago at a village fete for 50p!
next on the list, and missing off the one above are cup measures... makes life so much easier.
my most useful item is a really old Prestige hand- egg whisk. the sort that the expected to be used and is lovely and smooth and great quality. picked it up, unused and still in its box about 6 years ago at a village fete for 50p!
next on the list, and missing off the one above are cup measures... makes life so much easier.
Yes, cup measures are very useful for American recipes in particular. I have a set of those, and also a set of spoon measures, from 1/4 teaspoon, right up to tablespoon. Very useful for strongly flavoured spices, and it could mean the difference between delicious and fit for the bin.
My electric pressure cooker. I can make a huge batch of beans from one bag of dried which is like 10x what I would get for the same price of one can of beans. I haven't quite got rice to my liking in it yet though but I am working on it.
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