New baking show "Nailed It" embraces imperfection

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
2:20 PM
Detroit, USA
Finally...a baking show for someone like me! Unlike the mind-blowing precision you normally see on baking shows - even from child competitors - this one seems to be about appreciating (and laughing at) things that don't quite go according to plan.

It's on Netflix, so it should be available to people anywhere that can stream Netflix. Here's the trailer.

PS you may not be aware but Netflix content is country specific.
I did wonder, but I figured it would be worth a look if you have Netflix (which everyone already does, right?)

I looked it up Thursday, and realized I have to wait 1 more day to see it. I wonder - since it's Netflix - if the whole season would be available on day 1?
Not up my street at all - I actually find it really upsetting to watch! :laugh: I also hate any kind of show where presenters feel they have to shout all the time. I'm sure lots of people will find it great fun though.
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