No cook foods


Über Member
29 Jul 2017
Local time
9:28 PM
Milton keynes
I am disabled by mental illness and I gave up cooking food for myself a few months ago, I have limited energy and can only function for two hours a day, I also have no running water, no electricity, and only a camping gas hob to boil a kettle, Washing up cooking pans is out of the question, I live on sandwiches, which I am mighty bored with. I only have one meal a day in the evening.

Can anyone suggest what I can eat that is not take away junk, is cheap, and requires no washing up.

(And yes before I got ill I thought the state would help me out if I ever needed it, but I was wrong.)
Your best bet would be fruit and raw vegetables I suppose. Nuts and bags of dried fruit don't need cooking either - although they are more expensive. It sounds as if you are camping with no facilities at all. How are you managing to charge or power your internet device?
There are a few options.

The most obvious is breakfast cereal. just pick something healthier than cocopops or sugar coated stuff. Muesli, and porridge oats can both be soaked in yoghurt overnight before being eaten adding a bit of fresh fruit to them is also a nice treat. It can be tinned or fresh. picking a plain sugar free yoghurt makes it healthier as well. either a single bowl to rinse in the toilet block (in cold water - I've lived in a tent before now and my brother is living on a camp-site currently. ) an alternative is paper bowls, party sets, but you'll need to soak the oats in the yoghurt pot not a paper bowl overnight. oats do not need cooking, just soaking.

There are other cereals that are healthy as well.

Then things like tinned baked beans, spaghetti, spaghetti and sausage, they are all cooked and fine to eat cold. there are various treats like sponge cake which is already cooked a well.

Hard boiled eggs can be cooked in your kettle. depending on how big it is you may need to cook them in batches, but eat 3 hot on the day you cook them and the other 3 the next day as is or as a different sandwich filling and they will stay fresh long enough.

Hope that's a few ideas for you.
There are a few options.

The most obvious is breakfast cereal. just pick something healthier than cocopops or sugar coated stuff. Muesli, and porridge oats can both be soaked in yoghurt overnight before being eaten adding a bit of fresh fruit to them is also a nice treat. It can be tinned or fresh. picking a plain sugar free yoghurt makes it healthier as well. either a single bowl to rinse in the toilet block (in cold water - I've lived in a tent before now and my brother is living on a camp-site currently. ) an alternative is paper bowls, party sets, but you'll need to soak the oats in the yoghurt pot not a paper bowl overnight. oats do not need cooking, just soaking.

There are other cereals that are healthy as well.

Then things like tinned baked beans, spaghetti, spaghetti and sausage, they are all cooked and fine to eat cold. there are various treats like sponge cake which is already cooked a well.

Hard boiled eggs can be cooked in your kettle. depending on how big it is you may need to cook them in batches, but eat 3 hot on the day you cook them and the other 3 the next day as is or as a different sandwich filling and they will stay fresh long enough.

Hope that's a few ideas for you.
He already said he couldn't wash anything.
I don't know where the OP is, but there are some camping areas here, that your toilet is a shovel. No water anywhere around.
He has no electricity so that let's out yogurt and anything else refrigerated.

We have done primitive camping ourselves years ago.
We brought in water for washing hands and dishes.

I don't think the OP is camping. It sounds more like he doesn't have any utilities. (I knew a couple that actually lived like that.) I will go with that idea.
I wonder what he is drinking, water or nothing.
As to foods, there are all sorts of pre-made cooked foods in the stores these days. I am curious as to what he is making sandwiches out of since deli meats have to be refrigerated.
Also since he says he can't wash anything that let's out utensils.

Let's say I have $2 a day for food. I would buy water for drinking.
Ok the first thing I would do is go to the store's restroom and clean me up as best I could. I shall be back with more thoughts.
You know re-reading the OP, that is almost impossible.
Silverware requires washing up. Unless you lay in a supply of plastic cutlery. That would cut into the food budget.
Thanks for your replies they are making me think.

My water comes from a nearby outdoor public tap, I am living in an off grid houseboat that was an empty shell when I bought it, but I only got the insulation and floorboards in before I became ill with clinical depression, at present I am still clinging to the hope that I will get better and be able to finish the job. The alternative would put me either back on the renting game making a landlord rich, or in council housing which as a single male ( not a refugee) I'm guessing would be the worst they have. I would also loose all the money I have invested in this project, a kick in the plums I don't need right now.

As for ready made sandwiches, I know someone who worked in the factory, and the stories he told me put me off them for life.

I have remembered that you can heat tins of soup by simmering the open tin in water, I can get fresh bread from a local shop. I will try to get some disposable bowls
Good Afternoon,

I would suggest:

1) Dried fruits: Especially figs as they provide an enormous amount of energy.

2) Brazil nuts. ( Shelled of course: Almonds, Hazelnuts, Walnuts )

3) Natural Peanut Butter ..

4) Chick peas in a glass jar or tin .. They have the highest amount of proteins of all beans ..

5) Cannelli White beans in glass jar or tin .. ( or White northern navy beans )

6) Tinned Sardines .. Extraordinarily healthy blue fish ..

7 ) Tinned Spanish Mackeral filets ( caballa ) .. Also very high in protein ..

Good luck ..

All my best for a lovely day ..
Ok so you do have nearby water.
Go to your local charity shop, get you one pan, one plate, one bowl, one set of cutlery and a small tub, tote or some square something that will hold 2 to 4 liters of water. You now have a small sink. Empty it where you do your personal business. There is no reason not to wash up if you have access to any water.
Now as to foods, you can get what you like.
I wish you all the best.
Thinking of things that don't require refrigeration:

Beef jerky
canned (or carton) juice
powdered milk
powdered drink mix
premixed packets of tuna salad (some come with crackers, too)
precooked and seasoned rice
pretzels, crackers, tortilla chips
salsa and canned or jarred cheese dip

You can make cold nachos with the chips, salsa, and cheese dip, or a cold tortilla the same way (maybe even add bits of the jerky).
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