

10 Mar 2015
Local time
3:09 PM
Octopus is a common ingredient in Japanese and South Korean cuisine, it is eaten in many other countries also and prepared in various ways according to the country. I am quite intrigued by octopus as a delicacy but not sure i would want to eat it myself.

In Japan, takoyaki is a ball shaped snack made of wheat flour based batter, cooked in a special pan. It is filled with minced or diced octopus, tempura, pickled ginger and green onion. In the Maldives they make a delicacy of octopus tentacles braised in curry leaves, chilli, garlic, cloves, onion, pepper and coconut oil. In Singapore Hongzhang is a famous delicacy, it is made of steamed octopus legs, a sauce of pork skin, pepper and flour.
I have seen octopus tenderised in cement mixers on the docks ...I prefer squid either a fast cook or long cook for me ,salt and pepper tempura squid for a quick or a chorizo and squid casserole with tomatoes ,I have stuffed squid tubes with risottos but the squid can be a little tough
I've had fried calamarie, which is squid. It is much, much milder in smell & taste, and it does not stink like octopus does. :wink: :stop::headshake:
You can HAVE it!! Be greedy! Eat it all!! :yuck: :sick: :stop:

:thankyou:Thank you for this. I am on this train with you. I came to the thread out of pure curiosity to see who of my good friends might be enjoying this "delicacy" and to invite them like you to eat it all. I get sick just looking at them. I did search to see if there are any health benefits and they seem to be low calorie. It's one calorie thing I am happy to do without.:yuck:
The day that I ever eat this worthless stinking garbage will be when there is no other food around to eat, and I don't see that ever happening - not now, not next year or ever!! :yuck: :headshake: :stop:
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Cooked Galician style - boiled and then simply dressed with salt, olive oil and sweet pimenton - unbeatable!
I don't care how it is cooked. I just will not eat it! :headshake::yuck::sick::stop:
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Granted it's a unusual texture not every body's pallette ,a texture a like that of rubber or connective cartlidge tht at has been over worked, but in the right hands it's not bad,I've never taken any notice of the smell,if it fresh it should not be strong or unpleasant,I've seen the sea black with ink where they have been clened in a harbour
I have seen octopus tenderised in cement mixers on the docks ...I prefer squid either a fast cook or long cook for me ,salt and pepper tempura squid for a quick or a chorizo and squid casserole with tomatoes ,I have stuffed squid tubes with risottos but the squid can be a little tough

I love slow cooked squid too - it tastes quite different from quick cooked. I'm a pretty experienced cook, but for some reason I every time I quick cook squid it turns out rubbery. I literally only cook it about a minute or so and I've tried soaking it in milk, bashing it with a mallet and just about every other tip for tenderising! I have the same issue with razor clams... Do you have any special technique?
I love slow cooked squid too - it tastes quite different from quick cooked. I'm a pretty experienced cook, but for some reason I every time I quick cook squid it turns out rubbery. I literally only cook it about a minute or so and I've tried soaking it in milk, bashing it with a mallet and just about every other tip for tenderising! I have the same issue with razor clams... Do you have any special technique?
I steam them open till literally they open 5-10 seconds the either. Quick grill with flavourings and a butter or I have flour egg and bread crumbed them and deep fry them with a aioli ,never that sure about the textuture my self,
Squid is a odd one look at what it is ,it's a body shell ,as I say cook fast stir fry,deep fried or slow cooked I do one with garlic ,tomato,chorizo and fine diced veg and I cook it hours ,bashing does help ,but it is what it is the texture of worked cartlidge ,but I do love it,and have used it a lot in the past,the frozen ones are quite good as the freezing process can break down the texture a bit,always remember to remove the clear spine out as this can make it tough
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I have tried octopus, and I love it. To be honest, I also love takoyaki! Sadly, most of the street vendors selling takoyaki here do not use real octopus. Anyway, I visit the seafood market every Sunday to get fresh octopus. I cook it with coconut milk. Yummy :)
I have tried octopus, and I love it. To be honest, I also love takoyaki! Sadly, most of the street vendors selling takoyaki here do not use real octopus. Anyway, I visit the seafood market every Sunday to get fresh octopus. I cook it with coconut milk. Yummy :)
Sounds great,if they don't use octopus what do they use?your dish sounds great !do you flavour it in any other way,and how long do you cook it for?
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