Odd shaped veg

:laugh::laugh: Those are so funny. I wish I could find vegetables that look like that.
My fave has to be the little carrot hugging the big carrot. You can even see a smile on big carrot's face. I think I may be losing the plot, by the way... I've never posted any links like this before! Next thing is I'll be looking at cute cat pictures on my phone. :o_o::hyper::D
Farmers' markets tend to have "non-standard" fruit and vegetables. You'd never get things like these in a supermarket because the marketing people have persuaded the great unwashed that we do not want to buy anything that looks a bit odd.
I once tried to grow carrots but didn't prepare the ground properly so one of them I picked had grown around a stone making it look like it had 2 legs and to be polite it looked a bit like a 'male' carrot :oops:
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