Recipe One pan English breakfast

16 Oct 2012
Local time
2:38 AM
This recipe is intended for cooking a camping breakfast on a single gas ring, but it's also a good idea for the hot weather, and of course it's fuel saving. It's an extension of Arch's bacon sandwich idea, really.

It wouldn't do for me, because I have a particular quirk when we have a fry up. I like to make a sausage sandwich with the sausage and either egg or tomato, rather than eat it as part of the meal. Just the one slice of bread - I'm not greedy. What do you think? Would you eat your Full English as a One Pan, or do you prefer the traditional way?

Yeah, I'm afraid that isn't a full english to me, that's an omlette....

But when I make a full english, I usually only use one pan anyway (unless it's for a few people, when I need more room), I just add things in order so that they're cooked at the right time.
I've done a full English in one pan, though it needs to be a big pan.

When I first moved into my current house I only had a makeshift site kitchen with a single cooking ring, microwave, rice cooker and a steamer.

The full English was just the usual ingredients put in the pan, half on the hob and half off. The sausages cooked slowly at the edge of the pan, the bacon was fried and placed on the sausages, the mushrooms fried and placed on the bacon, then the eggs added and the beans poured in to fill the gaps. It was then all served up on a plate looking quite conventional.
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