Other forum links - moved to the bottom of the page


4 Oct 2012
Local time
6:25 AM
I've moved the other forum links to the bottom of the page to stop them taking up a large portion of the main screen (on mobile devices) when we move to the new responsive layout.

They are a much lower priority than the navigation / user settings / Inbox elements and can still be quickly accessed by pressing CTRL + END on desktop devices or doing a fast bottom-to-top swipe on touch devices.

Shaun :D
Update: The links weren't very practical / accessible at the bottom but I couldn't put them all back so I've put one in for the Clickfinity hub site, which now links to all the other forums from the top of its pages.

It means an extra click to get to another forum but should still be quicker than scrolling down (since all the links are at the top of the page again now). :thumbsup:

Shaun :D
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