Pasta with sausage


21 Jan 2014
Local time
3:39 PM
I love sausage, and I remember eating pasta with sausage in it at some point in my life. Ha. My memory in not that good, but I think it had like spaghetti sauce in it too. Do any of you have a favorite pasta recipe with sausage as an ingredient? Is it easy to make? I am not very talented in the kitchen :)
I remember the Heinz variety as a child. My brother used to live off it!

For 4

Penne 350g
sausage 6 small
tin of tomatoes 400g
onion - finely chopped
garlic - chopped
tomato pesto 1tbsp
dried oregano 1tsp

cook sausage - fry whole then chop in bits and fry again so that all sides are cooked - place aside
cook penne
While you are doing this fry onion / garlic
add chopped tomatoes / oregano
wait for sauce to reduce a bit
add sausage
add pesto
reduce heat until pasta is cooked
drain pasta - add to sauce - mix up a bit - serve - eat:)
I remember the Heinz variety as a child. My brother used to live off it!

View attachment 144
I'm totally fascinated by some of the Heinz products I've seen posted on here, particularly since I live about an hour away from their headquarters and I've never seen any of these things in our local grocery stores. They've only just recently started carrying Heinz mayo, for example.

Pasta and sausage is a classic combination in many dishes. One popular and simple way to prepare it is to cook it with some broccoli rabe and olive oil and garlic (and red pepper flakes), tossed with pasta and a generous amount of Parmesan cheese. You can also throw some cooked Italian sausages links into a pot of red tomato sauce and let them simmer along with other stew meats for a "Sunday sauce" that is great over any type of pasta.

Using it ground in a ragu over polenta is another classic pairing. You can put it in minestrone too.
For 4

Penne 350g
sausage 6 small
tin of tomatoes 400g
onion - finely chopped
garlic - chopped
tomato pesto 1tbsp
dried oregano 1tsp

cook sausage - fry whole then chop in bits and fry again so that all sides are cooked - place aside
cook penne
While you are doing this fry onion / garlic
add chopped tomatoes / oregano
wait for sauce to reduce a bit
add sausage
add pesto
reduce heat until pasta is cooked
drain pasta - add to sauce - mix up a bit - serve - eat:)

Oh my goodness... This is absolutely perfect! Thank you so much :) It is going to be wonderful to try this recipe out and have it be something I can whip up anytime :)
I'm totally fascinated by some of the Heinz products I've seen posted on here, particularly since I live about an hour away from their headquarters and I've never seen any of these things in our local grocery stores. They've only just recently started carrying Heinz mayo, for example.

Pasta and sausage is a classic combination in many dishes. One popular and simple way to prepare it is to cook it with some broccoli rabe and olive oil and garlic (and red pepper flakes), tossed with pasta and a generous amount of Parmesan cheese. You can also throw some cooked Italian sausages links into a pot of red tomato sauce and let them simmer along with other stew meats for a "Sunday sauce" that is great over any type of pasta.

Using it ground in a ragu over polenta is another classic pairing. You can put it in minestrone too.

So many ideas! I love this place! I really really want something simple, because eating is a favorite past time of mine while cooking is not! Sunday sauce sounds easy!!
My mom loves to put sausages in the pasta! She will usually do the regular pasta, with red tomato (natural) sauce and sausages. Something that is also great (and I have cooked myself once or twice) it's to make a white sauce with cream and cheese, then put broccoli, bacon and some sausages. Oh, that tastes so good!
We always put sausages in our pasta and the kids really love this especially on spaghetti. Sometimes when we are making macaroni pasta chicken salad we also put shopped sausages to add flavor to the salad. Sausages had also many uses in most recipes we are cooking and its great!
My favorite pasta with sausage combination at the moment is pesto penne with spicy italian sausage. It is so good. Just pre-cook the sausage and dice it up. Then you add it to the pasta and you have a meal in under 20 minutes. I like eating that with salad.
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