

27 Apr 2014
Local time
12:05 AM
Between a frying pan and a fire
I had a friend who always used ground white pepper just because she didn't like how ground black pepper made the food look. I was more sensitive to the flavor, and while white pepper was okay, it does taste to me as if it lacks something...

Apparently black and white pepper are the same thing, as in they come from the same plant, it's just that white pepper has been soaked to remove the black outer coating.

On the other hand, there's few things worse, I think, than accidentally biting into a peppercorn.

So, I was happy to have found this sort of partially-ground pepper in a shaker. It gives food a rustic look that I think is charming, it tastes peppery enough of both kinds, and if I bite into a grain it just releases enough flavor to give a kick--not ruin the bite.

That said, my favorite is still cayenne pepper, since it has a heat that comes and goes really quickly...and, I can (and do, very often) use it in sweet stuff, which I don't feel like I can really do with ordinary berry pepper, unless it was something with umami-and-sweetness like a balaclava or something.

What's your favorite pepper?
My favourite pepper is cayenne pepper; I always cook with this. As you said, although it is hot, the heat does not last too long. I also understand it is good for the circulation and for those who suffer with respiratory problems. The other pepper I would use would be white pepper rather than black pepper, although I must admit that the black one has a better flavour. I think I am allergic to the black one since it tends to give me a tummy ache about a couple hours after using it. I have heard others say it has a similar effect on them also. So I have stopped using that. White pepper is also good for flavouring vegetables.

I think I will stick with the cayenne pepper for now.
I like both white pepper and black peppercorns. I can even remember trying some red peppercorns. I don't use peppercorns so much now because I prefer spices such as paprika (ground red pepper) and chile/chilli pepper.
I don't think I really have a favourite pepper though I do have black, white & green peppercorns in my spice rack (as well as cayenne) and use them when a recipe calls for them. But generally I don't really add much pepper to life!
My favorite pepper is freshly ground black pepper. I didn't realize the difference in taste until I bought a pepper mill and started using that in my cooking, to me the pepper has much more flavor and tastes fresher. I also found I don't need to use anywhere near as much. I have never been a fan of white pepper, that's interesting that it's the same as black because to me it is incredibly mild and seems to have a different consistency than black pepper.
I use ground pepper, red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, I really like it all and it depends on what I am making. I feel like certain pepper goes better in certain meals. Sometimes using the right pepper in the right dish can really make the difference. Maybe I'm just silly, but that is how I feel about it.
My favorite pepper is freshly ground black pepper. I didn't realize the difference in taste until I bought a pepper mill and started using that in my cooking, to me the pepper has much more flavor and tastes fresher. I also found I don't need to use anywhere near as much. I have never been a fan of white pepper, that's interesting that it's the same as black because to me it is incredibly mild and seems to have a different consistency than black pepper.

Me too! I bought black pepper corns with a grinder at Trader Joe's years ago. The difference in taste was amazing. I have use regular black pepper since. The smell and taste are amazing.

I have never heard of white black pepper. I will pass on trying it. I prefer pepper in it natural state. I do like lemon pepper too. I used to put it on fish.
I think they have a completely different flavor. I am not overly fond of white pepper. I use black pepper in nearly every meal I cook.According to a few chefs on the TV, you should not use black pepper in mashed potato. However, this is only because it adds black flecks to the appearance. I use black pepper in mashed potatoes all the time.
Interesting, I had never known how white pepper was made, and just assumed it was a less ripe version of the black peppercorn. I've always been told that white pepper was a little hotter than black pepper, but I suppose that's because white pepper is often ground finer and therefore more concentrated than black pepper. There is a time and a place for both as far as I'm concerned. I could see the use of white pepper in a bechamel sauce or perhaps in a chicken stock if you did not have any whole black peppercorns and you wanted the stock to be clean and clear of any debris or particles.

However I still love the look and taste of flecks of freshly ground black pepper in my food too. To me, it says that it's a little more homemade and less processed. Whenever I make some fried or poached eggs, I always hit them with some black pepper when plating them. Cracked black pepper is also crucial in a home made caesar dressing.
I like white pepper a lot especially when I was younger, but for some reason I completely forgot about it once black pepper started getting a lot more popular. I haven't even bought white pepper in years but now that I've been reminded of it I'll be buying some again and hopefully I will still like it.
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