Perfecting the dairy free, butter free muffins


19 Jan 2015
Local time
7:51 PM
I have been trying to bake these type of muffins for a while now and although I have ended up with a baked product, however it was to say the least horrible!

In all fairness I usually just take; say a vanilla muffin recipe and eliminate the dairy from it and jazz it up with raisins then proceed from there! Bland and a lazy approach to baking such muffins really.
Does anyone know of a good recipe that's easy to follow of such muffins?
I could Google it but it's much more fun interacting with everyone with a passion for baking and getting peoples own creations in terms of recipes.

eliminate the dairy from it
How exactly are you eliminating the dairy? Are you simply removing it or substituting it?

There are a number of different dairy free solid margarines that can be used to substitute butter with that work surprisingly well with other recipes I make that call for butter such as scones and Victoria sponge cakes. One or two of the hard margarines contain more or less water than butter so state quite clearly that you should use 80% of the recommended weight of butter. I won't bother naming them because you are in the USA and I'm in the UK, but even soft dairy free margarine substitutions work surprisingly well.
The idea is to completely remove the dairy.
Thanks I will take a look at those dairy free solid margarine and try using it instead. I suppose I could also search online for ways around this!
Just gets frustrating at times:(
I would advise you on what to use, but I know already that what I use (Trex or Pure soya or sunflower marg) are not available to you on the otherwise if the pond!

Any milk requirements can easily be substituted with either water or a dairy free milk. Just remember that if you use a sweetened almond milk for example to drop a little of any sugar off what goes in.

And I understand your frustration. I can't even have a round of toast when out without checking the ingredients of the bread and often end up with toast and jam minus any margarine. I'm allergic (anaphylactic shock allergic not intolerant) to all dairy products and even medication can and does cause me problems!
Oh my goodness, it is a very limited lifestyle really and especially for you seeing as yours is much more serious, what with the medical implications. I see that you have been a vegetarian for a very long time and now a vegan + eggs, how are you managing the egg part of being a vegan? I might have understood it wrong but I ask because I want to try and implement eggs into my diet as a source of protein of course.
I have no issues with eggs tbh. I find it is easier to explain my diet to people as vegan rather than vegetarian no dairy.
I also have an endless supply of duck eggs from my landlady who had 2 ducks that actually haven't stopped laying eggs this winter. One each everyday, it soon adds up!

A typical hens egg has around 80-90 calories per egg so they are quite good in that respect and as you say a good source of protein.

2 eggs essentially give you a good portion of your recommend amount of protein each day 100g of eggs gives 13g of protein
Oh alright, thanks for that information. I had no idea that a hens egg had around that amount of calories per egg, I suppose I've never really been interested in eggs generally so I haven't researched much on them.

I am now excited and eager to implement eggs into my diet. I suppose it would also help going around looking for duck eggs and giving them a try.
Thanks again for the share.
I suspect you will find ducks eggs much harder and more expensive to get hold of. I eat them when they are available, my free supply helps considerably otherwise I tend to eat hens eggs. Ducks eggs are also bigger and have even less taste than hens eggs and cooked, they whites are a though more rubbery than hens eggs, so not everyone likes them. I find the trick is not to overcook them if you are eating them boiled or fried, but used in omelettes or cakes it is not really noticeable that they are not hens eggs.
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