

27 Apr 2015
Local time
11:36 AM
Hello! I would really like to learn how to make preserves, like jam, mustard pickles etc. The only thing I know about preserves is that they come in mason jars! I would really like to make some because I think it would save me some time and money. I was wondering if anyone could give me some information on how to make them, and recipes are welcome as well. What is the simplest thing to start out with? And can I get the jars at the grocery store?My grandmother makes them, and I have always thought they were a good idea!:)
We make jams the ones we do are raspberry ,apple and black berry as this we can forage ,gooseberry ,marmalade when saville oranges are in season and damson,some times strawberry this is the harest to set for me ,first time you may need to follow a recipe at the start to get the feel for boiling sugar and fruit and its setting point it's trial and error but as long as its not burnt can be reboiled or corrected,you will need a good pan with a thick bottom,jars I use a mixture of 1lb jars and Kilmer jars ,1lb jars are good as if you share your jams you don't loose so much of your batch,sugar thermometer ,good stirring spoon,and jar funnel,I sterilize my jars in the oven and pour the jams in while they are really hot then seal with a wax lid,you can then use a clear jam pot cover or lid
We also make chutneys a apple one and a rhubarb one easy to make weigh ingredients out and steep for 1 day and simmer
Then we make pickles ,onions ,red cabbage ,beetroot and eggs
Recipes can be found on line or I'm sure any you want other forum members or my self will be able to help
If your grandmother makes them, why don't you go over to her house and get her to teach you? I made a simple preserve two summers ago from watermelon rind. We kept getting melons in my family and the rinds were going to waste (in my case the compost so not so much waste) so I decided to make the preserves for my grandfather. I just put them in a large pot with sugar and a little water and cooked them down.
I've just been to a May day cuckoo fare and bought a pickled cucumber pickle ,and i will look at the ingredients and i am going to try and replicate it ,i tried it with a local blue cheese called blue viney,i would say its a very versatile pickle and looks like it would be great with burgers
We make jams the ones we do are raspberry ,apple and black berry as this we can forage ,gooseberry ,marmalade when saville oranges are in season and damson,some times strawberry this is the harest to set for me ,first time you may need to follow a recipe at the start to get the feel for boiling sugar and fruit and its setting point it's trial and error but as long as its not burnt can be reboiled or corrected,you will need a good pan with a thick bottom,jars I use a mixture of 1lb jars and Kilmer jars ,1lb jars are good as if you share your jams you don't loose so much of your batch,sugar thermometer ,good stirring spoon,and jar funnel,I sterilize my jars in the oven and pour the jams in while they are really hot then seal with a wax lid,you can then use a clear jam pot cover or lid
We also make chutneys a apple one and a rhubarb one easy to make weigh ingredients out and steep for 1 day and simmer
Then we make pickles ,onions ,red cabbage ,beetroot and eggs
Recipes can be found on line or I'm sure any you want other forum members or my self will be able to help
Ok, thank you for your help! I am very excited to try this!
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