Pick recipe first and buy ingredients or buy ingredients then pick recipe?


17 Mar 2016
Local time
12:54 AM
Missouri - USA
Which describes you? Do you pick recipes first, then go to the store/garden for ingredients? Or do you buy/harvest then decide what to cook?

Most of the time I am of the second type - I see what I have on hand then decide what to make. I shop sales and use what is in season and abundance. It is rare that I buy specific ingredients for a recipe. I do keep a few basic things on hand at all times - onions, garlic, carrots, celery, mushrooms, spices - they are used in many recipes.

Which type are you? What are your base ingredients always on hand?
I keep a few basic things on hand always as you do. I like to plan my menu for a week so I know what I have in mind to cook and what I may need to purchase when I go to the store. I like to have what I need there when I get ready to cook.
I prefer to pick the recipe first and then buy the ingredients, since I like to plan my meals. The basic items that I like to have handy at all times include onions, celery, different kinds of spices, butter, tomato sauce, cooking oil, and milk. If I were to just buy items at random, it would make it harder for me to decide what to cook, since I may find that I am missing a particular ingredient for a certain dish.
I do both! Often I'll buy what's in season and 'play' with recipes in the kitchen. But then there is the The CookingBites Recipe Challenge which focuses on a specific ingredient (usually for a fortnight). So I stock up on that ingredient and explore every way I can think of to use it! I have to say that the Recipe Challenge has really helped me to develop my cooking skills (and photography skills). Its quite amazing to hone in on a specific ingredient and really discover its potential.

Talking of which... the current ingredient is lentils! :ohmy: And I now have a store cupboard with five different types of lentils! What fun! But you see...I'm the current judge so I can't really enter the challenge. Although I will probably post some recipes. So.... come on everyone. Bring on those lentil recipes, please. :D :cook:
Well, silly me, I always have lots of specific ingredients. I didn't mention those things I consider 'staples'. I have various 10, 25, and 50 lb bags of beans, lentils, quinoa, rice, popcorn, seaweeds, herbs, spices, etc. stored in a big freezer anytime I want or need them :^) I also keep lots of different 'flours' in that freezer too and like to experiment with gluten free and grain free baking. If I find I do not have an ingredient I need, I can usually figure out some kind of substitute around here :D
I have a very well stocked fridge and pantry. so I usually will pick a meat, and then go from there. If I can make what I want without buying anything GREAT! if I have to buy ingredients I limit it to 3 ingredients and or a limit of 5 dollars. (not sure how much that would be in others currency)
Well, silly me, I always have lots of specific ingredients. I didn't mention those things I consider 'staples'. I have various 10, 25, and 50 lb bags of beans, lentils, quinoa, rice, popcorn, seaweeds, herbs, spices, etc. stored in a big freezer anytime I want or need them :^) I also keep lots of different 'flours' in that freezer too and like to experiment with gluten free and grain free baking. If I find I do not have an ingredient I need, I can usually figure out some kind of substitute around here :D
I saw the magic word LENTILS! :D @Momma9, here's hoping you enter a recipe or two for the The CookingBites Recipe Challenge!
I am the kind of cook who would pick the recipe first then buy the ingredients. Nowadays I have to budget our money for buying our foods so that there will be less waste and what really is important and needed are the ones that I will buy. I always plan my meals for the week that is why I knew already what will I buy for the recipes that I will cook ahead of time in a week. It is just a matter of planning and budgeting at the same time so that I can cook at my best.
We meal plan first and then buy the ingredients for what we need. Generally speaking though we try to be mindful of what's in season and inexpensive when we do that - otherwise our budget just goes out of the park when it comes to food spending! I'm not so good at just getting random ingredients and then trying to cook something with them later...most of the time when I've tried that I've just ended up with random foods in my fridge and pantry that I'm not sure what to make with!
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Yes, I try to use recipes that use the staples on hand but I always ending up having to buy a few ingredients. Lately, I have been on the 20/20 diet and so I m always having to buy things like blueberries and various types of nuts. I also had to buy lentils..which are OK. I made a lentil dish once.
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I am guessing it works both ways for me. I see a recipe and if I like it enough I'll go out/send out and add ingredients to the shopping list. Then there are those times I have things at home and work with what I have. There is a app or a site online that I am trying to find where you say what you have on hand and it comes up with a recipe. I might have asked for it before but I can't find it anywhere but know it exist. Help anyone!!!!
I love to try new recipes as I am still learning to cook. For the most part I must say though that I am leaning towards the second description. I would love to put on my being a resourceful person in the kitchen and prepare whatever I can using the available ingredients
Most of the time I cook with what I have on hand but if I find a recipe that I really want to try then I will go to the grocery store and get the ingredients for it.
I have a 16 year old grandson that is hard to cook for, he does not like leftovers so trying to find ways to use the leftover food is a chore at times. Recently I baked some chicken that I was not too happy with and had leftovers, I got a mexican mix from the store used the chicken I had leftover and wrapped it in a flour shell. It was a hit, I think I stood in the store for 30 minutes thinking of ways to use that chicken. One of the few times I go to the store first and think of something to cook with what I have at home on the shelf or in the refrig.
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