Pie funnels. Do you use them?


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
6:22 PM
The Netherlands
Clever you! I really didn't think anyone would get this. Yes - its a pie funnel and in English nursery rhyme tradition its shaped like a blackbird. The original photo is from the top looking down. Here it is as it looks from the side:

View attachment 81120
Never heard of this before
Pie funnels are quite useful really. They help hold the crust up so it doesn't get soggy. They also prevent pie filling from boiling up and leaking through or out the sides of the crust by allowing steam to escape from inside the pie. Well, that's the theory.

Mine looks like blackbird (from the nursery rhyme 'four & twenty blackbirds baked in a pie', I presume):

By this time tomorrow, I’m betting you’ll have ordered one…in orange! :wink:
Nah, it's probably because the Dutch don't really have much of a pie culture. It's not something common to eat here and I am not super fond of it to be honest. I am sure there must be delicious pies, but I personally have not found them yet.
Though I did like my UK ex MIL's chicken & leek pie.
You don't like apple pie?
I wasn't thinking about sweet pies when I wrote this. But still I prefer other ways of making apple tart, I prefer strudels, tarts, turnovers or crumbles to pie.
I wouldn't say pie is on the top of my list in any category. That's not to say I won't eat it, but I so far only eat pies when I get served one.
I don't consider my favorite apple crumble tart to be a pie, because it has no pie crust. Pies are also not a big thing here culturally, the only really common one is apple pie.
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