Plantain Sandwich


24 Sep 2013
Local time
8:42 PM
Plantain is a type of banana that comes from the carribean and they taste lovely when fried or boiled but my favourite way is fried so l can make a sandwich. It's pretty easy to make and here's how: take one banana and slice it long ways, place two tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan and fry both sides till lightly brown. Take out the plantain and place it in two slices of bread.:)
I have never had plantains in a sandwich. The closest I've come is just plain raw banana with some peanut butter. I have had deep fried banana for dessert at a sushi restaurant before, but I didn't even particularly like it. I prefer more salty type of foods for frying. For example, any type of vegetable deep fried in tempura batter or any fried noodle dish is pretty exceptional. But lightly frying the plantain in coconut oil would probably be quite good. I don't even know if I think the bread is necessary.
I've had fried plantains in various dishes, like with black beans, but not in a sandwich. What kind of bread does it work best with? Do you also toast the bread?
I've never had the good fortune to try plantains in a sandwich. A good college friend of mine lived in Thailand for a year in high school and raved about plantain sandwiches. She had a little George Foreman grill and every once in a while we made banana butter sandwiches with it, that she said were the closest to the plantain sandwiches she'd ever gotten in the US haha.
Hah, glad I checked this thread after so long, I just saw plantains at my local grocer and was pondering whether to get some. I think I'll go back this weekend and try both the sandwich method and a recipe for chorizo-stuffed plantains that I ran into online, maybe with some queso fresco.

Will report back if either comes out edible!
These are my absolute favorite type of sandwich as well! Not only does it cut out the bread from your makes it much tastier. In my area we have a spanish store that makes them daily and calls them "Jibaritos" They take the plantain slice it sideways..cook it, smash it..then add watever you like..for me its usually steak, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, a lil bit of vinegar and oil..and im in heaven!
When I lived in London I used to buy some lovely West Indian bread which was baked locally. I wish I had tried making plantain sandwiches with that bread. I really need to try fried plantain. I'm sure I would like it.
These are my absolute favorite type of sandwich as well! Not only does it cut out the bread from your makes it much tastier. In my area we have a spanish store that makes them daily and calls them "Jibaritos" They take the plantain slice it sideways..cook it, smash it..then add watever you like..for me its usually steak, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, a lil bit of vinegar and oil..and im in heaven!

I think I just got a teary eyed, lol. That sounds so good! Unfortunately, where I currently live, even finding plantains at the store is a challenge, I have to travel to another neighborhood.
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