Pot luck meals suggestions


30 Jan 2015
Local time
9:12 AM
We have pot luck meals at our church several times a year. Easter is coming, we have a breakfast planned. I don't know what I want to take this year any suggestions? Last year I took banana bread but would like to take something different this year.
How about breakfast muffins? There are several recipes for both sweet and savoury breakfast muffins so I'm sure you could find something suitable.
For a pot luck meal that is to be served for a breakfast I usually bring a hash brown potatoes. It is not only easy to make but its delicious too. Children and adult will surely love this. Just make a small size of the hash brown so that is is easy for them to eat.
Beef Stew, soup, a casserole, spaghetti & meatballs, Shepard's Pie, chicken or beef pot pie.
There are a ton of things that you can make. :wink:
Breakfast muffins sound good. I like a breakfast muffin called glorius morning that use to be sold at one of the larger grocery store baking department, that muffin would be a complete breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea. They stopped making it and I have not found a replacement or the recipe so that I can make my own.
If you happen to have a sausage maker, such as the attachment for the Kitchen Aid mixers, or the stand alone models, perhaps make some home made breakfast sausage links? I've made my own sausage patties in the past with a package of plain ground pork, plus all the recommended seasonings, and was surprised how good it came out. My only gripe was that when I made the patties, the meat came out a bit too dense from me molding them by hand, whereas if you had one of those sausage makers which dispensed the meat into a casing, it would probably avoid this issue.

Or perhaps just simply slow roast some small breakfast hams - I'm assuming someone is probably going to bring an egg dish or a platter of scrambled eggs, and the ham would obviously pair well with it. Many grocers sell shrink wrapped packs of "ham scraps" which are just odds and ends slices from whole roasted hams. You can simply throw them in a deep baking pan with a little water or ham stock and cover with foil and roast them.

Some au-gratin potatoes would also be a nice addition and would hold up well to being heated for a long period of time.
Since I am making pecan rolls this morning, I have these on my mind, but they would work well in a potluck setting as well. Make a big dish of these and the adults and kids will love you. You could also do a hashbrown hot dish, which my family loves. Here is the recipe as best I can give it to you, since I usually never use a recipe to make this.

2 bags of frozen hashbrowns
1 medium onion grated, save the shavings and the juice
1 can of cream of chicken soup
Several finely diced pepperochinnis to taste
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup sour cream

Corn Flakes
1 stick of melted butter

Mix all of the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl and spread the mixure into a casserole sized baking dish, making sure that it is all even. Top the mixture with Corn Flakes and pour melted butter on top. Bake in a 375 degree oven for about 1 hour covered, and then 20 additional minutes uncovered.
Thanks for all of the suggestions, I think I will take some type of potatoe dish to the Easter Sunday breakfast.
The last pot luck I attended I went with a Rueben Soup that I made in the slow cooker. Would work out perfectly if you have leftovers from St. Patrick's day. It actually comes out quite delicious & the Swiss cheese is a wonderful compliment.
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