Recipe Potatoes in foil packets


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
7:27 PM
SE Florida

This is probably more of a technique than a recipe as you can change your spices, herbs, add ins like onions, fennel, leeks, garlic to suit the flavor profile you are looking for. When we are grilling, we often make these to cook alongside whatever protein we are cooking, especially in the summer when you don't want to heat anything up in the house.

I used to parcook the potatoes so they would get done without having to be on the grill for a long time, and probably still will with something like steaks that don't take very long to cook, but just recently discovered the ice cube trick to add liquid to steam the potatoes in the packet. If you use the ice cube method, you can smear about 1/4 tsp of chicken, pork, vegetable, ham, or beef base on the ice cube. We use the creamy bases that need to be refrigerated after opening.

Cooking time depends on how small you cut your potatoes and whether they are parcooked or not. Using the ice cube method, cubes of 1/2 inch or so will take 20-25 minutes to cook over a very hot grill, 375 F to 400 F. If you use small new potatoes and quarter them, it will take about 30-35 minutes. You need to make sure that your potatoes are pretty uniform in size so they will cook evenly. If you use the parcooked method, it will take about 10 minutes less. You can cook at lower temperatures, but will need to increase the cooking time proportionally. You'll need to flip the packets over at least once.


Our go to recipe for steaks in particular is:

2 large baking potatoes cut into 1/2 inch cubes
salt and pepper to taste
extra-virgin olive oil to drizzle
1/2 to 3/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 to 3/4 tsp onion powder

In a steamer basket, parcook the potatoes for 4-5 minutes over boiling water. Skip this step if you are using the ice cube method.

Using heavy duty or 2 layers of regular foil, cut off a 12 x 18 inch piece of foil. Place the potatoes in the center of the foil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, onion and garlic powders. Drizzle with oil. Toss to coat potatoes, using your hands is easiest. Form potatoes into a rectangle, leaving at least a 3-4 inch border all around. If you are using the ice cube method, place an ice cube on top of the mound now. Working with longest edge, bring edges up over center of potato mound and start folding/crimping until you can make a flat fold over top of potatoes. Working from each end, fold and crimp until you get to the edges of the potato mound. Place packet on grill and cook as above. Let sit 5-10 minutes if using the ice cube method before opening so that escaping steam won't burn you on opening.
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I remember in girl scouts cooking potatos and carrots this way over a camp fire...we called them girl scout dinners.
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