Praise The Lord I have a new dishwasher!


2 Aug 2015
Local time
3:10 AM
Virginia, USA
I am so happy, that I finally have gotten a new dishwasher. I can now cook and bake without having a huge quantity of dishes I have to hand wash. It is a time saver and I love looking at sparkly clean dishes. Now, all I need is a new oven to go with it! Could you live without your dishwasher?
My dishwasher is called ***** and he is excellent. Could I live without him? No and I wouldn't want to!


Sorry. Seriously the house we are buying comes with a dishwasher and we are getting rid of it because a tumbledrier or freezer if more important to us than a dishwasher. That's what we have a sink for!

Note where is an emicon of a stack of unwashed pots in a sink @Shaun ....?
There are only 2 of us so I cannot justify paying out on electricity and water when dishes can be done by hand in the sink.
Congratulations on your new dishwasher! I have never had one. I do dishes the old way. I hate washing dishes but like Lullabelle I just can't justify paying out that kind of money for the amount of dishes that the two of us use. Of course I never had one if I did maybe I would feel different. Seems the people who do have them love them and can't do without them.
We have never owned a dishwasher. We have always washed our dishes by hand. I don't know which does the job better, but a dishwasher may be a time saver. Right now, with washing dishes by hand, I think a lot of water is used, but I don't know how that compares with the amount of water used in the dishwasher. When washing my dishes, I can turn off the tap while soaping each item and then turn it back on again rather than leaving the water running throughout the whole washing process. Come to think of it, gallons of water can be used in the kitchen when cooking and washing up the dishes.
I wash dishes by hand every single day. So I am already living without one. But I am thankful I have dishes to wash and it doesn't bother me that I don't have one.
Every dishwasher I have ever had turned out to be an ornament. Something was either wrong with it or I just didn't use it. I remember using it to hide dirty dishes when I had guest way back. Then I would still end up washing the dishes by hand. A real waste for me.
Couldn't be with out ours ,once you've had one you could never be with out it again!
Couldn't agree more. But I've had a dishwasher since the 70's. The amount of cooking I do means I'm creating dirty dishes, bowls etc. all day. If I didn't have a dishwasher I'd be spending valuable cooking and CookingBites' time washing up. Besides, dishwashers are now relatively cheap to buy (in the UK) and not really very expensive to run.

Check this out:
Couldn't be with out ours ,once you've had one you could never be with out it again!
I grew up with one in the house and chose not to have one at home. When I go to my mother's who has one, I wash by hand. I hate the things. My in-law's don't have one and it is so much more fun after a meal at their place. Everyone pitches in except the cook. The person who cooked does not do the dishes. Someone collects the dirty dishes up for the person washing them, someone dries, someone else puts things away and anyone else washes the table and puts the table and chairs away. Its a family thing. Everyone does something and everyone accepts it cheerfully and chats away as it is done. there is none of the 'whose **** turn is it to load the dishwasher...' that always happened in my family when I was growing up and I don't find the need to wash soap off the dishes before I eat/drink from them when I'm at my in-laws. The house we are looking to buy comes with a dishwasher. It will be given away. We don't want or need it and certainly won't use it and would benefit from the space it takes up. Nope. I've had one and won't have one again.
Couldn't agree more. But I've had a dishwasher since the 70's. The amount of cooking I do means I'm creating dirty dishes, bowls etc. all day. If I didn't have a dishwasher I'd be spending valuable cooking and CookingBites' time washing up. Besides, dishwashers are now relatively cheap to buy (in the UK) and not really very expensive to run.

Check this out:

There is an interesting line in that article. It compares a fully loaded dishwasher with running a tap to wash the dishes...:headshake:

But when used efficiently (in other words, when the dishwasher is fully loaded) they can be significantly cheaper than running the tap while washing up (using a washing up bowl is obviously more cost-efficient).
Because I never really used mine and the one sitting in my kitchen is probably broken or the cycle thing does not work, I have often wondered how it works with the very, very, very stubborn stains. The ones t I always believe needs a good hand scrubbing- what happens there?
When we renovated our kitchen I lived without a stove, and dishwasher for 4 months. I was awful. I really missed having a dishwasher. Luckily I didn't do much cooking so I didn't have to wash any pots or pans. I mostly microwaved food, used the bbq or crockpot to cook. But still washing dishes and glasses by hand is something I didn't enjoy. I now have my new dishwasher installed and love it. It's so quiet, you don't even know when it's on. My dishes and glasses come out clean and shiny. I have to say my dishwasher holds a lot more than my old one.
I have a dishwasher, but like some of the others here I actually never use it. I typically just hand wash all of my dishes. I got used to not having one for so long that now it is just habit. I hate the looks of my dishes drying in the dish rack though so maybe I should try and use it a bit more.
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