Premium or value - or across the board?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
5:37 PM
According to food industry insiders, shopping for food is likely to be polarised in the future, with premium and value ranges attracting more interest than middle market products.

I must say that I tend to go for value products on basic groceries - except for sausages and burgers, when I always go for premium products. I tend to fit the forecast, but what about you? Are you a polarised shopper, or do you spread your shopping across the board?
Value stuff for me mostly - Sainsburys Basic range. I've found that most of it is pretty much the same as the regular own brand anyway. Sticking to the cheapest range is just part of my budget.

I think the things I don't go for basics on are teabags (I go for whatever non-basic range is on offer cheapest) Basic teabags are a bit... dusty. And cereals, ditto, And some things don't have a Basic equivalent, so I go for whatever is best value.
I think the things I don't go for basics on are teabags (I go for whatever non-basic range is on offer cheapest) Basic teabags are a bit... dusty. And cereals, ditto, And some things don't have a Basic equivalent, so I go for whatever is best value.

I'm with you on teabags - it has to be Tetley's. And Tony will only have Kellog's Cornflakes and real Weetabix. Otherwise, we're great value range shoppers.
I'm with you on teabags - it has to be Tetley's. And Tony will only have Kellog's Cornflakes and real Weetabix. Otherwise, we're great value range shoppers.

I've heard that Nabisco make a lot of Own Brand wheat bisks, as well as Weetabix.

But not Value ones. I tried them once. Like little sawdust briquettes.
Value stuff for me mostly - Sainsburys Basic range. I've found that most of it is pretty much the same as the regular own brand anyway. Sticking to the cheapest range is just part of my budget.

I think the things I don't go for basics on are teabags (I go for whatever non-basic range is on offer cheapest) Basic teabags are a bit... dusty. And cereals, ditto, And some things don't have a Basic equivalent, so I go for whatever is best value.
I'd say that you are also polarised as you get all the basics stuff but we also pick up quality stuff from the farmer's markets.

I'd only buy Twinnings Earl Grey tea as the other brands taste odd to me. I am often quite random. Sometimes I will buy a name brand of something, other times not.

I recently started eating porridge and bought the smallest bag of Quaker oats. That was partly because the budget bags were huge and I wasn't sure I'd eat much porridge and partly because the Quaker bag had sensible instructions as a starting point to work out how I might like it. Usually I find it unpalatable but I think I have it sussed now so I bought the huge bag of the cheapest oats.

Speaking of which, I knew a woman who bought animal feed oats, to use for porridge, when she was broke as she could get a big bucket of it for pennies.
Humm, difficult one. It really does depend on what it is and which supermarket it is from.
We only shop once a week (in theory if I can stop my OH from doing the 'I'm still on tour and have no fridge...' thing.

Veg - never basics range, but rarely organic either. I like veg with taste mostly because I used to grow most of my own before our world tour and would litterally pick it as I was about to use it. So we tend to buy the veg we know is good and more importantly will not go bad/off before we use it. We also get through a lot of veg, so it is important to us for flavour, taste and appeal.
Tins - well I don't tend to use them much, except tinned tomatoes and I prefer to have something nicer if possible. Acidic watery tinned tomatoes don't appeal to me, what is the point of then having to add tomato concentrate to them to get some flavour back & sugar to add the sweetness back?
Beans & pulses I cook from scratch, I can control the levels of salt (and exclude all sugar) that way.
Cereal/Oats - prefer the branded versions, not the value basics, but Sainbury's and Waitrose's own are fine.
Rice - prefer Tilda Basmati rice, usually pick it up in bulk when it is in offer in Morrison's or Tesco's... Last one was £6 for a 4kg bag.
Flour - prefer not to purchase the 50p for 1.5kg options, but won't buy the premium stuff unless it is something like spelt flour and then we buy it when it is on offer and stock up.
Meat/Fish - not an issue having been veggie for 29 years!
Mineral Water - don't buy it. Happy with tap water or what I get off a mountain.

But I won't buy Andrex toilet paper, kleenex tissues with aloe vera or etc... I stay with recycled stuff without further additives! Can't stand scented tissues...
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