Rachael Ray's Kids' Cookoff.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
9:50 AM
Brighton, MA.
Chris Ekpiken 2.jpg

Chris Ekpiken.jpg

Here's one of the young kid contestants who is presently competing in Rachael Ray's Kids' Cookoff featured on the Food Network. The winner of the contest will get a $20,000 scollership & his ot her own Food Network website cooking show.

He looks very serious as he cooks. He's all business. My grand nephew will have some very serious competition if they ever meet each other!!

He reminds me so much of my dear grandnephew - the one who likes to cook & bake!!

I hope that he wins in the final episode!! :wink: :cook:
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Look's like the little guy's name is Chris. I've not watched the show - is the format a positive and challenging one that encourages the kids, or a bit more harsh like some of the grown-up ones where it's do or die (figuratively speaking :okay:)?

His full name is Chris Ekpiken, and his mom is from Luisiana - home of the gumbo, cajiun cooking and cooking in the Bayou. Which has inspired this kid to make spicey dishes. He likes to deep fry a lot, as you might see him do if you watch the show. He wants to work on his smiling when doing comments and interviews. This will show that he's more passionate and sincere with the cuisine that he likes to do.

He improvises and makes do when he has to by substituting things to Get the Job Done!!! :wink:
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I love to see children cooking. Not only is it an important life skill, it is educational and enjoyable in so many other ways. I am a mum of four and all my children love to get involved in the kitchen. My 10-year-old son is currently involved in a cook-off competition at his school and he is planning to make his versions of prawn cocktail and spaghetti carbonara.
I love to see children cooking. Not only is it an important life skill, it is educational and enjoyable in so many other ways. I am a mum of four and all my children love to get involved in the kitchen. My 10-year-old son is currently involved in a cook-off competition at his school and he is planning to make his versions of prawn cocktail and spaghetti carbonara.

That's wonderful that your son's school encourages cooking so much. I'm hoping when my little one is at school they encourage it there too. Of course, I'll be teaching her to cook at home, too (I think it's a great family bonding activity and like you said an important life skill too!) but it's lovely to hear that schools are also making it a fun activity for students.
Day-Day's a chef!!.jpg

My 11-year-old grand nephew is STILL into cooking at home! He enjoys doing it a lot!! He still plans to make it his career. I will see him in action when I go there for the week of Thanksgiving. I want to find out just how much that he has learned, how much he knows and what he likes to do!!

Lizzief79, it is very good that your son likes to cook! Hopefully, he will keep it up and will want to be a cook or a chef when he grows up!! :wink:
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I think it is great when they show and interest in cooking at a young age and are able to experience with it. Every child should get to enjoy something that they love to do. I have never seen the show but I am going to see if I can find it because I would like to watch it from the beginning. I have seen a number of kids' cooking show in the past and it always amazes me what great cooks they are at such a young age. @Shermie handsome little chef you got there. I hope he gets to achieve his dream.
I think it is great when they show and interest in cooking at a young age and are able to experience with it. Every child should get to enjoy something that they love to do. I have never seen the show but I am going to see if I can find it because I would like to watch it from the beginning. I have seen a number of kids' cooking show in the past and it always amazes me what great cooks they are at such a young age. @Shermie handsome little chef you got there. I hope he gets to achieve his dream.

Thanks! He's not really little, but he's big for his age. Hah!!

He's planning to go to a culinary arts school after he finishes high school. He wants this badly! Never before in the history of our family has there ever been anyone who is this enthused with cooking the way that THIS kid is!!

He plans & does entire meals now. He even plans & does the entire day's 3 meals on occasion!! When he received all those kitchen toys last year for his birthday, I crowned him as the King of Kitchen Toys!! This past May, I went to one of my nieces' birthday party that she gave for her 4 kids. She did a raffle. We all participated in it, and to my surprise, I was the first winner!! We had a choice as to what we wanted, whoever it was that won. I chose a cookware set.

I immediately thought of my dear grand nephew!! So I am planning to take it with me when I go down there to visit them for the week of Thanksgiving, and give it to him!

I told him that with strength & determination, that he can do it. He wants to make me proud of him by doing this. I told him that I was very proud of him from the very beginning when he first took an interest in cooking!! :wink:
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This is great and there is no doubt that he will achieve his dreams because of all the positive support that he gets from you and his family. It is great to see a young person being so passionate about his dream. Just think of how superior he will be by the time he gets to culinary school.
This is great and there is no doubt that he will achieve his dreams because of all the positive support that he gets from you and his family. It is great to see a young person being so passionate about his dream. Just think of how superior he will be by the time he gets to culinary school.


I really want him to succeed with this extreme passion that he has for food, cooking & baking! He is very addiment in his determination to become a chef when he grows up. He strives to be the best that he can be at what he does! I'm so overly proud of him!! :wink:
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I really want him to succeed with this extreme passion that he has for food, cooking & baking! He is very addiment in his determination to become a chef when he grows up. He strives to be the best that he can be at what he does! I'm so overly proud of him!! :wink:
I do hope he sticks with it, @Shermie. But who knows what might happen when the teenage hormones kick in! I watched my sons metamorphose from quite sensible young individuals with keen interests in sport or astronomy into unrecognisable 'switched-off' youths whose only interests in life seemed to be loud music and drugs! But, lets hope he sticks with the passion, whatever may come

So far, he is sticking with it, and he has not lost his interest in cooking that I know of. He has the tools of the trade!

It looks like he is still very happy with it. He even now has several cookbooks, plus he has all that cooking stuff that he got for his bitrhday last year. And I'm pretty certain that his mom & dad are standing behind him, to help guide him into being a good cook!! :wink:
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How I wish I had learned how to cook when I was his age. Look at me now trying my best doing it on my own experimenting, reading, asking around. Sometimes when you do not have proper guidance the experimentation could get so costly and frustrating. We need to cook each day so I wonder why no one taught me how. :cook:
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