Recipe help - Lasagna

I didn't want to give the impression that I am a cooking genius who knows all this stuff without doing any homework. I used to believe that steak myth, then I saw some tests done in a scientific manner, and the data showed it to be one of those cooking myths that keeps getting passed on. Sort of like the myth that searing meat locks in the juices. People did real tests on that (including Alton Brown), and found it to be another myth.


No worries. I understand that we are all in different stages of cooking experience and just appreciate when people respond and share their viewpoints, tips and recipes. I've already learned so much (and I love learning!) here. ;-)
The thing about storing, refrigerated or otherwise, things with mixed sauces, etc. is that flavors will tend to saturate across all ingredients. That can be a good thing or a detracting thing. It takes experience to understand the effects of that cross saturation. Sometimes, pre-storage may invoke processes like souring or fermentation. And those are among the more dramatic effects to be had.

Sometimes, refrigeration for a day or two, is a procedural step to intensify flavor. Sometimes, to ensure the crisp rich flavors of ingredients, it is best to avoid such a step and proceed directly to cooking and serving in a matter of hours.

In the case of pre-refrigeration/storage, it often doesn't matter whether you raise and normalize temperatures before proceeding with cooking. At the worst, it can effect cooking times and possibly whether browning or even burning of edges takes place. That's a matter too, for consideration.
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