Recipe Rhubarb Tart with a Custard Centre


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
7:40 PM
SE Australia
This is another in the series of old recipes from my Grannie's collection, also dated to 1950's.

I will copy the instructions exactly... make what you will of them, but they are 'interesting'! :laugh:

Rhubarb Tart with a Custard Centre


6oz shortcrust pastry
1lb rhubarb
4oz sugar
1 lemon
2 tbsp. cream

Line a 7 inch greased flan tin with shortcrust pastry.
A small rim of thinly rolled out pastry is then stuck on in the middle, with the aid of a little cold water.
The tart is then backed 'blind', i.e. without fruit, for 15 minutes in a moderate, Regulo 4, 350 deg F oven, the middle being heaped with dried butter beans to prevent it from rising.
Simmer 1lb rhubarb in 4oz sugar and juice of a lemon, no water and heap round the tart.
Fill the middle with an egg beaten up with 2 tablespoons of cream and a pinch of sugar.
Return tart to oven just long enough for egg to set

None of the fancy instructions we get today! :laugh:

And the translated version is once you have lined a 7 inch flan tin with the shortcrust pastry, you want to get some spare pastry and roll it into a long thin sausage. Next you want to make a circle using this pastry in the middle of the flan tin, making the pastry circle high and wide enough to completely contain the beaten egg and cream. So you are creating an enclosed area for the 'custard' to be contained in!

I would also take the 4oz of sugar with a pinch of salt. it will be very, very sweet otherwise! :eek:
I have managed to scan the original just in case anyone is interested.

Rhubarb Tart with Custard Centre.jpg
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