Salmon Patties


30 Jan 2015
Local time
8:57 PM
My daughter makes the best salmon patties, I have tried and tried and I just can not get them to taste right. I can make hamburges, I have even made bean patties but I can not get the salmon patties to work for me.

She just takes the salmon, mixes in a egg and some seasoning, what is so hard about that, I just don't get it. I can form the pattie, it's the taste I don't seem to get correct.
My mom makes the best salmon patties, She uses onions, egg, bread crumbs, garlic, mustard, lemon juice and mashed potatoes to bind it together. Once she forms them into patties she puts them in the refrigerator to set and then she'll fry them. She serves it with a wedge of lemon to squeeze on it and a homemade tartar sauce of mayonnaise, mustard and chopped pickles. They are just the best.
I cannot relate with salmon because it is not common here.. read: expensive. What we normally use for that purpose is tuna since it is one of the cheapest here. Our simple tuna patties have ingredients like spring onion, strips of green bell pepper, crushed garlic and corn starch. If there is bread crumbs, it's okay to add but usually we have no bread crumbs for the extender. We also do not add egg because of the fishy taste of the tuna does not meld well with egg.
I think that bread crumbs and egg are the secret to getting salmon patties to be correct. Have you asked your daughter about what seasonings she uses to make her patties, and in what amounts. Some people just have a natural instinct for spicing things correctly, where others have to really work at it.
I can recommend something to if you want to try. I am a vegetarian and I like the idea of a burger. It is not about meat, I just like making sandwiches. However, I never liked eggs in my burger. Whether it was a meat burger way back while I was eating meat or now when I make my own veggie burgers. I have a mix that you can use like a glue to combine whatever you want. the basic ingredient for this is flax. Grounded flax to be more precise. When you wet grounded flax you get the 'glue' for your patties. I usually grind flax and wheat flakes to form the basis for my burger and then I add sunflower seeds or what ever I feel like. Another thing, or three things I always use are dried onions and garlic and cumin. The taste is unbelievable and iv you add some flax in your minced salmon I believe you will get even better result than your daughter.
It has to be in the combination of the spices that she is using and the amounts. It would probably be best just to ask her what she uses rather then keep making something that you don't enjoy. Salmon can be very expensive.
I like salmon patties, and they are pretty easy to make as well. My favorite of that type though is crab cakes. I have had some awesome crab cakes. I will take a crab cake over a salmon pattie. They are some good things to make and to eat. I think they are especially tasty, however, the way they is made is similar. Yes, I agree with LB ask her what she does with the patties.
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