Sauce you have to have.


19 Oct 2014
Local time
6:32 PM
I eat everything with ranch if something happened and the worlds supply of ranch ran out then I probably would not eat anything. I love ranch not only on salads, but pizza, mashed potatoes, chicken, sandwiches and other things. I got really sick when I was younger and the only way my mom could coax me into eating was to pour ranch on things.

Is there a sauce that you couldn't live without?
Tomato. I know how sad is that. BBQ sauce. Is another I love.

worcestershire is also a must. It is very versatile.
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Not really. I was a strange child who did not want to use any sauces of condiments. As an adult I have had to get myself used to them so that I don't seem weird when others see me eat. I could easily forget any sauce and not realize until I was already eating the meal. One that I do like is horseradish on beef. I don't always use it, but I would miss it if I could never have it again.
I try not to for health reasons to be honest. If I have pizza and my friends want ranch we'll get ranch, but usually I try not to have any sauce or dips with my food. Food usually has a good natural taste and any dips and sauces that's unnecessary will just cover that up and make it taste...I don't know, artificial?
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