

29 Mar 2015
Local time
7:57 PM
Are any of you in love with scones? I like to make them and enjoy them with a hot cup of tea or coffee in the morning or as a snack later on in the day. This morning I am going to make scones with dried cranberries and walnuts in them. I also like to make savory scones on occasion.
Don't get me started Joycemcgregor. I was on a scone streak for want of a better word for a while and recently all I've been thinking about is making some. When I realised how easy they were to make and not too sweet, I completely fell in love. I guess since I have not been making any recently it might appear that the love has diminish but it hasn't. I just need to get my baking groove back, just like I needed to get my cooking groove back.
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I like scones...but I rarely eat them. I had some kind of scone mix here, and never made them. I am not sure why. I am sure they are healthier than muffins. They don't have as much sugar by and large, if they are easy to make, maybe I will try some time. I think a scone is really good with tea or coffee. I know they are traditionally English, and one of the best imports to come across the pond!
I love them and unsually have a British scone every afternoon, a chocolate chip one where I have the recipe down to 100 calories per scone but even that is sadly too much for my current diet and I need to ensure I get more protein in for those 100 calories at the moment.
I like scones too but I haven't had any in awhile. I was eating blueberry ones for a while but then I got tired of them. I think I will whip some some later today. They are really easy to make. My grand daughter is coming over for the night so it is something we can do together.
All the scones talk has me thinking I should make some this weekend. Today or tomorrow should be fine. My intention was to bake a box cake I've had lingering around for quite some time. I used to be a chocolate cake lover but somehow the scones and banana bread might be my new favourites.
I am also a lover of scones. Since they are just light sweet, they are my type of thing. I could eat them at breakfast or with my dinner. Although I do not mind eating sweet things from time to time, I think light sweet is better, not only from the point of view of taste, but because it is healthier too. I have never made scones, however, but I could look up a recipe and give them a try some time. They do not sell these in the supermarket as far as I know. They only sell sweet biscuits in all kinds of flavours and varieties.
Scones sound lovely for these winter afternoons. Can anyone share a beginner scone recipe and some tips?
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