Single Serve Beverage Makers?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
11:33 AM
When it comes to making single-serve beverages (coffee, hot chocolate, tea and cider, etc.) with k-cups or pods, is there an advantage to using one kind over another?

I've had a cheaper machine that uses the k-cups, but it doesn't allow for the taller coffee or latte cups... it also gets clogged when I try to do hot chocolate k-cups. With fall and winter so close, that's going to be a deal breaker because I do love my hot chocolate, and I'd like to replace it with another machine.

Any recommendations for which type (not brand name recommendations, I already know the brand I think I want)... of machine I may like? One that uses pods? Or are k-cups better? Maybe a latte machine? I'm all ears! :clown:
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