Six stress-relieving foods

3 Jul 2014
Local time
3:49 AM
There are some foods that are good as a mood booster and for calming the mind. The following are a few that I know of, but there may be others.

I find that milk has a calming effect on the mind and it also induces good sleep at bedtime. Dark chocolate is also known to be a good stress reliever. Lately I have heard that banana is a fruit that is good for lifting the mood also. Green tea when taken very warm is also good for relaxation. Rice as well as potatoes, including sweet potatoes, are also good for keeping stress at bay. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, for instance, also have a calming effect on the nerves.

All of the above-mentioned foods are easily digestible and contain certain nutrients that contribute to keeping one's nerves calm and relieving stress.
I can't speak any longer to milk as a stress reliever - I find it soothing and very much a comfort food, emotionally, but it now gives me gas so bad I rarely drink it before bed.

Though I might not classify them directly as "stress relieving" foods, I find that anything that helps keep my digestion regular overall makes me feel much more clear headed and energized, which immediately lowers stress. This, for me, is of course green leafy veggies, apples (and really most fruits) and oatmeal.

Digestion is a huge problem in American health. Most people I know are lucky to "go" once a day, which is crazy. And I don't think most people realize how much constipation is affecting the rest of their mental and emotional well-being. There's simply something to be said for detoxing in the way nature intended.
Lack of Omega-3 can be the cause of cause depression or stress, so be sure to include some oily fish, flax seed oil or other source of Omega3 in your daily diet.
Anything with B12 (and other B vitamins) is meant to be very good for avoiding/helping with depression. One good source is vegemite but if you're not in Australia that may be difficult to get hold of (and it is an acquired taste!)

Lots of green leafy vegies also have B vitamins.
Anything with B12 (and other B vitamins) is meant to be very good for avoiding/helping with depression. One good source is vegemite but if you're not in Australia that may be difficult to get hold of (and it is an acquired taste!)

Lots of green leafy vegies also have B vitamins.
the UK equivalent is Marmite and is still an acquired taste!
I agree with chocolate and potatoes which is why they are good comfort foods as they relieve stress. I know the thought of eating them can calm me down or will put me in a better mood, so the thought association also helps.
I am glad I came across this bit of information. The chocolate might not be best for me. That might cause me more stress with the headaches that chocolate leave me with. In my case. I should stock up heavily on this stress relief food. It might save my life.

There are some I heard of before which include pumpkin seed and shrimp. Saw it on Dr. Oz I think.
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Chickpeas... I love them either plain or roasted and they are a great comfort food because of what they contain naturally which boosts serotonin levels in the brain making you feel better, sleep better and regulates mood swings!
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