SpaceX manned launch streaming link

Well things have certainly moved on for Space X.

I didn't want to start a new thread to talk about Space X and NASA, so.....

I came across this very interesting piece about the much delayed new NASA Space Launch System (SLS). It doesn't make great reading if you are an American tax payer.

According to a US Auditor, Each Launch of the Space Launch System Will Cost an “Unsustainable” $4.1 Billion

The new NASA rocket is at least 3 times over budget at $23B, very late, is not reusable and will cost $4.1B per launch or about $58,000 per kg of payload to orbit.
Space X starship has a payload 30% bigger, is totally reusable and Elon is working to a goal of $10 per kg of payload to orbit.
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