Spam celebrates its 80th birthday


Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
3:54 AM
Shropshire, UK
Happy 80th birthday to Spam! It's actually a bit older than that, but it's inventor took a while to think up a name. More than 7 billion cans have been sold worldwide, and the biggest per capita consumers are the Hawaians, who view it as a delicacy, as opposed to a poverty food.

I've not eaten it since I was about 5 years old (my grandfather and I were left to fend for ourselves one day, and Spam on toast was the best we could come up with), but I now feel the urge to try it again.

Any other takers?
I rather like it occasionally but it is rather salty - I think they now make a lower salt version. Its quite a delicacy in Korea - a legacy from the Korean War.

Supermarkets devote aisle-end displays to Spam and its familiar blue and yellow tin. A local Hormel licensee, CJ CheilJedang Corp., manufactures the product here, printing the logo on one side with characters from the Korean alphabet, known as Hangul.

The most famous Korean dish containing Spam is budae jingae (Army Stew) which is far more interesting than you might imagine. I know about this mainly because I have been watching John Torode's Korean Food Tour (Good Food Channel). There seem to many variations of this dish. Here is John Torodes version:

Another here uses Frankfurt sausages rather than Spam

So perhaps this is the way to go if you are going to try Spam again @epicuric!
Spam in a Korean supermarket

:bravo: I do like spam occasionally BUT it must REAL spam - there are some imitations out there [often sadly confused with the real thing] that are more suited as cat food [if the cats will eat it]
Actually, many (40 yrs.) ago, was a staple when we went on family camping trips.

In a bizarre way, I guess I kinda miss it.....but I'll get over it...:):) prefer "scrapple"
I have never eaten Spam or Scrapple or any meat from a tin / can ..

We do not have a tin / can or plastic culture in Spain ..

Our Bar / Bistro fast foods are "Tapas" ..

Numerous foreign fast food franchises have closed due to the lack of business.
Spam fritters are something I had as a kid. Not that I've made them recently. Maybe I will give it a go. I expect hubby would like them!
I rather like it occasionally but it is rather salty - I think they now make a lower salt version. Its quite a delicacy in Korea - a legacy from the Korean War.

The most famous Korean dish containing Spam is budae jingae (Army Stew) which is far more interesting than you might imagine. I know about this mainly because I have been watching John Torode's Korean Food Tour (Good Food Channel). There seem to many variations of this dish. Here is John Torodes version:

Another here uses Frankfurt sausages rather than Spam

So perhaps this is the way to go if you are going to try Spam again @epicuric!

We bought a Korean cookbook and there are quite a few recipes using spam, not keen on the idea. I haven't had spam since I was a kid and am happy not to have it again.
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