Spinach Pasta & Fruit - Lunch or Pudding?


20 Jun 2013
Local time
10:49 AM
I often cook spinach pasta for the small people and then cool it under running cold then add lots of fruit in natural fruit juice i.e. tinned/jars of peaches/ears etc

They love it, it is also easy to put in their aladdin bento pots that they have for lunch


I had a v.upset 7 year old as a lunch supervisor person told him that did not constitute lunch as it was pudding?

Is it? I consider it a main and got the idea many years ago when the works canteen used to serve similar (normal pasta not spinach) on the salad station
What did the stupid person think the pasta was?

I'd go and have a word. If you want to make a point, tell them it's a cultural dish and hint at discrimination... (whatever culture you consider yourself part of!)

Sounds better than a sandwich with highly processed cheese or ham with a bag of crisps, which I bet most kids get.

Love the Bento box!
What sort of ears?:wink:

I noticed that after I posted but I don't seem to be able to edit my post on here, the ears would be of the P variety "pears" :)
What did the stupid person think the pasta was?

I'd go and have a word. If you want to make a point, tell them it's a cultural dish and hint at discrimination... (whatever culture you consider yourself part of!)

Sounds better than a sandwich with highly processed cheese or ham with a bag of crisps, which I bet most kids get.

Love the Bento box!

I just told him to tell her the next day that "mummy did not make a mistake" and it was expensive "spinach pasta" and also have taught him to say "My mummy says if you have something to say about my lunch write her a note I will take home do not talk to me about it" I have seriously considered attaching this to his pot at times :o_o:

The Bento boxes are great - they can mix & match with other Bento boxes so usually Hubby has two larger pots and my eldest has the two smaller to take to work/school. It makes lunch so much easier, leftovers can be shoved in them, I do big batches of soup & freeze them in pots size amounts, plus compared to a normal lunch with no microwave access it opens up all sorts of possibilities it also negates the lack of fridge for cold stuff.

At school it is even better as we do not end up with missing lunch boxes because 1/2 the school has the latest "moshi monster" from tesco lunch bag, plus in a lunch bag they have to put all the rubbish back in their lunch bag & OMG the mess a yoghurt creates in both ick all over the inside and the stench on a hot summers day is just lovely!

A good friend put me on to them when they were stationed in Germany with it being v.cold in winter there and having 5 children she found them in the local supermarket
I'm constantly amazed by the Tiffin system in Mumbai. Workers set off for the office in the city and then later on the tiffin wallah turns up to collect the lunch the wife has cooked, which goes into a special sectional tin (sections for rice, curry naan etc), with a number on it. The tiffin wallahs then deliver the tins, by train and motorbike or bike. Thousands of lunches every day - always getting to the right worker!

Imagine the mess we could make of that system in this country!
Sounds like you had a proper Jobsworth - and one who's not very au fait with different cooking methods. Lots of recipes call for fruit - duck with orange, plums or cherries comes to mind, and many tagines have apricots or other fruit among the ingredients. Even curries often have apples or sultanas. I'd certainly complain to the school about this.
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