

9 Apr 2014
Local time
3:05 AM
What are some ways to cook up spinach? I don't like the taste of raw spinach so I'm looking for ways of cooking it up. I cooked it with butter and garlic salt last night and it was delicious! What are some other ways to cook it?
I think spinach works really well with cheese, so I'd recommend finding some quiche, omelette, or lasagna recipes. I came across a lasagna recipe once that used spinach pasta too, and I'm not sure what that would taste like, but I imagine it's pretty good.
Spanikopita is one of the ways I use spinach. I happen to like spinach both raw and cooked but I often have too much fresh at once so I need to use it up. I keep phyllo pastry around as I can turn it into a meal or an appetizer fairly easily. Spinach and Feta go well together in the pastry. You can also chop up the spinach and toss it into any tomato based pasta sauce or even into pizza sauce - having it in the sauce rather than on top for pizza keeps it from drying out in the oven.
After I have sauteed veggies I take handfuls of it - I prefer the baby spinach - and throw some handfuls of it on top of the veggies. I turn the heat down and cover and within a few minutes it has cooked down in size but doesn't lose the flavor. Good with eggs, I use it instead of lettuce in salads and on sandwiches. don't be afraid to experiment with it.
I think spinach works really well with cheese, so I'd recommend finding some quiche, omelette, or lasagna recipes. I came across a lasagna recipe once that used spinach pasta too, and I'm not sure what that would taste like, but I imagine it's pretty good.

I agree. Any combo made out of spinach and cheese is awesome, tastewise. I think you should just boil the spinach and then chop it up and add it to whatever cheese combination you like. And also, a spinach-cheese omelet is totally awesome.
- you are feeling particularly adventurous, you could make your own spinach pasta. Or, for something a little easier, perhaps try making your own spinach and ricotta stuffed shells in sauce (manicotti or cannelloni would work well too).

- You can put it in soups such as minestrone or wedding soup.

- A baked spinach and artichoke dip is also very good.

- You could blend it into a breakfast smoothie (I know you don't like the taste of it raw, but all the other ingredients like the berries and yogurt would likely cover it up).

- It also works nicely with some cheese and black beans as a filler for vegetarian enchiladas.
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