Starting my weight loss journey today...

Right on, fellow CookingBites members!

I've dieted twice throughout my life (Im going to be 31 this coming October) & as a foodie at heart, I'll admit it was one of the hardest things I've ever attempted. However, it seems to have worked, because I managed to keep the weight off (the first time I had to diet, it was in order to gain weight, rather than lose it).

Here's my approach to things when dieting to shed pounds (this may turn out to be a bit of a longer post, but if it makes dieting a bit easier for anyone that chooses to read it, I'll be happy I included all I did!) with a few good low calorie recipes attached. I wish you each much luck, l know you CAN do it!

First & foremost, before a dieter thinks about the foods they are going to avoid or try to eat more of, I've always believed that they should think about their body & where it currently stands. Meaning, before you start doing so, make sure your body is ready & prepared to diet. Major changes in your eating-habits & routines should ideally only be made when a person is well-rested, fairly healthy, & in a good mindset. Dieting can be a stressful undertaking and can cause more harm than good if done in the wrong ways!

Additional to watching what we eat, there are of course many other factors that contribute to a successful diet, like: daily excercise, whether it be a full workout at a gym, a game of catch with your little one, or even just a walk around the block after all day at that desk... then there is keeping the body hydrated & flushed with a continuous flow of water throughout the day & evening (an easy alternative to filling up a water-glass 6-8 times a day getting yourself a sturdy, reuseable waterbottle & keeping it with you at all times... to add some flavour, add a squeeze or two of fresh lime or lemon juice to it), avoiding temptation (favorite fast food haunts, bad influences, junk food purchases), keeping healthy snacks around for those times you get 'snackish', instead of candy or salty/fatty foods, & of course keeping busy & keeping your stress levels down, using your brain, dancing, singing, having sex (all of these things are beneficial for a happy body, & they also burn calories!)... etc.

It's also important not to change too much all at once when dieting & to work slowly in to things... your body will adapt to the changes more easily and will respond better to your plan of action.

Now, we get to the real bones of the FOOD part of things. Of course, eating less is a given, but... some tricks & tips for this include: using a smaller serving plate or bowl when eating in order to make your servings of food seem larger & therefore more filling, sipping water with & throughout your meals, taking smaller bites while eating, eating several small meals throughout your day & evening rather than 3 regular sized ones (this dieting technique has been called the 'grazing method', hehe), etc.

As far as WHAT to eat goes, let's just basically say that we want to try replacing as much of the UNNECCESARY carbs, sugars, & fats that you eat on a daily basis, with as many 'good foods' as possible. So, here are some examples: instead of white breads, pastas & rices, opt for brown or wild rice, wholegrain breads, or multigrain pastas. Lay off the frying pan for frying & start using it to braise (cook in liquid... which can be water, broth, etc.) ingredients or meals. Swap full-fat butter for margarine. Instead of ice cream or that honkin' slice of cheese or devil's foodcake for dessert, whip yourself up a nice bowl of vanilla yogurt topped with a handful of frozen bluberries, or maybe try some chocolate Jell-O pudding & sliced fruit. When snacking, don't open a bag of potato chips & crack a can of soda, open a box of your favorite crackers & a container of your favorite low fat dip or hummus, & pour yourself a glass of homemade, low-sugar lime-ade. When buying vegetables, choose ones that you ENJOY, because otherwise you won't eat them (good veggies to eat while dieting, & at any other time really, are dark green ones (like romaine lettuce, brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, kale, etc.) & orange ones (sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, etc).

When making lunch or dinner, aim for roughly 2/3 of your plate to consist of your vegetables & protein (instead of a well marbled steak, have a poached salmon fillet with a squeeze of lemon juice chopped fresh dill weed- salmon is also one of the 'super foods' we are now hearing so much about), & the other 3rd to consist of your starches or carbs. Also, dieting is when herbs, seasonings & condiments can be a godsend. You can add a ton of flavour with very little extra added salt, sugar or fat when utilizing something like a good bottle of hot sauce or a handful of fresh, chopped basil or mint. Experimentation is key here, have fun with things: a diet can be fun and interesting if you make it so. It can actually be a culinary adventure of sorts!

As for a low-cal' favorite dish or some low-cal' snack recipes, here are a few of my former go to's:

-Caramelized Cabbage & Onion Soup:

-Kale & Cashew Salad:

-Vietnamese Glass Noodle Salad with Shrimp:

-Baked Sweet Potato 'Fries':

Good luck to all of the dieters, and I hope your journey goes as smoothly as it can. We are all here cheering for you! :)

Thank you for all the great information! This is really very helpful. I love learning as much as I can when it comes to weight loss and what works for different people. Thanks for attaching the recipes. I am definitely going to be giving them a try. It is so important to have variety so that you don't get bored with what you are eating.
I lost 16 lbs the first month. The last week loss was mostly due to having this flu which I had for a week. I have been eating very little and sleeping lots. Those 4 lbs may come back once I start feeling better. I have had a few set backs with a sore knee and the flu but other then that I have been doing really good. I am happy with my results and I am determined to stick with this. Thanks for asking! :)
I can't believe how well you are doing! Its fantastic @ L_B.
If I were you I'd not allow the 4lbs to come back - after all, you might as well get some benefit from suffering flu!
I can't believe how well you are doing! Its fantastic @ L_B.
If I were you I'd not allow the 4lbs to come back - after all, you might as well get some benefit from suffering flu!
It may not be that easy! I too have been suffering with the flu as well (2 weeks full blown and 1 additional week so far recovery) and well when you don't eat, there is a lot less in your gut and you can also end up dehydrated as well (which is usually the cause of most weight loss in the first week on any diet). Hopefully @L_B is now feeling better than I am!

I'll update again when I pick up the courage to stand on the scales again next week I think. I don't like weighing myself too often. Dieting is not something I usually do having been a very active person prior to my back going and leaving me partially paralysed and I'm still adjusting to that really.
Well done to everyone who is trying to lose weight. If people are very overweight then simply cutting down on the calories you eat will result in weight loss at the beging. However the bottom line is that you have to use 3,500 calories more per week than you eat to lose 1 pound of fat, so you have to eat 500 calories every single day less than you are burning. Exercise in fact is a vital part of dieting as every expert will tell you. Walk 10,000 steps per day, jog, run do jump rope/skipping. All of these exercise will burn a lot of calories and will add to your deficit.

When doing housework, walk up and down the stairs more than you need to. Stretch when doing the vacuuming, stretch when cleaning windows. Use exaggerated movements to use muscles and calories. You can even do exercises while sitting down on a chair. There are plenty to be found on the internet. You are doing really well. Keep up the good work.
I am still not feeling the greatest but getting better each day. I still have this nasty cough with is exhausting and really feeling congested. It has been almost two weeks now so I am ready for this to leave. I have not been this sick in as long as I can remember. My husband is also sick. I am hoping next week will be a better week for us.
I am still not feeling the greatest but getting better each day. I still have this nasty cough with is exhausting and really feeling congested. It has been almost two weeks now so I am ready for this to leave. I have not been this sick in as long as I can remember. My husband is also sick. I am hoping next week will be a better week for us.
I'm still struggling to clear what I had as well. It is now into its 3rd week and not only is it boring but it is also very trying and tiring! I have had to have 2 weeks on calories in = calories out instead of dieting and a gentle week this week as well... My asthma is also giving me hell as well just to make life fun, so I can't even have spicy food at the moment. :cry:

Hope you start to feel better soon.
I'm still struggling to clear what I had as well. It is now into its 3rd week and not only is it boring but it is also very trying and tiring! I have had to have 2 weeks on calories in = calories out instead of dieting and a gentle week this week as well... My asthma is also giving me hell as well just to make life fun, so I can't even have spicy food at the moment. :cry:

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Thanks. I hope you feel betters soon too. I am just sick of being sick. I can't wait to feel healthy again. It has been so long since I felt that way it seems! Take care!
The way I have kept the extra weight off is to minimize my portion size by eating off a side plate. Also try not to go overboard eating sweet cakes and pastries. They say it is not what you eat but how much of it you consume at a given time.
Salads that are unusual take my fancy too!


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I've always been thin, even after having my first baby I went back to my thin fame without workout and watching what I eat. I've gained the most weight with my second child. I never had to exercise and go on a diet until now and it's been so hard. I'm trying to eat healthy now and it's difficult, but I'm going to continue to stay positive and put in my best effort. I've enjoyed reading your comments because they are encouraging good luck to everyone on their journey to lose weight.
I weighed in this morning. I've now lost 9.2kg since the beginning of the year. that's 20.3lbs, nearly 1.5 stone.

Wow that is awesome you are doing great. You keep me inspired and motivated on this journey. I am still not feeling 100% yet. I can't wait until I do. It seems just when I think I may be feeling better I am sick again. Everybody at work has had it for a few weeks now too.
I've always been thin, even after having my first baby I went back to my thin fame without workout and watching what I eat. I've gained the most weight with my second child. I never had to exercise and go on a diet until now and it's been so hard. I'm trying to eat healthy now and it's difficult, but I'm going to continue to stay positive and put in my best effort. I've enjoyed reading your comments because they are encouraging good luck to everyone on their journey to lose weight.

You got this. It is a difficult journey especially when weight was nothing you ever had to worry about before. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. When you start seeing the scales drop and your clothes fitting better you will be motivated to keep going. Just remember as the saying goes "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
Wow that is awesome you are doing great. You keep me inspired and motivated on this journey. I am still not feeling 100% yet. I can't wait until I do. It seems just when I think I may be feeling better I am sick again. Everybody at work has had it for a few weeks now too.
Hope you get well soon! Just eat healthy stuff in the mean time.
You got this. It is a difficult journey especially when weight was nothing you ever had to worry about before. I have struggled with my weight most of my life. When you start seeing the scales drop and your clothes fitting better you will be motivated to keep going. Just remember as the saying goes "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! You have made my day! :)
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