Staying the course

21 Oct 2014
Local time
7:34 AM
Has it happened to you? Things are going well and then there is a lapse. It happens to me a lot in many areas of life and now it's happening in the garden. I don't do the physical work in the garden, I get great help from someone WHEN I CAN FIND HIM.

These days things are going a little "wild" and recently all that I have seen from the garden are tons of tomatoes. Sadly things have gone off course. I have a serious fear of bugs and the like and really wonder if I can get over that fear and do a little bit of my own gardening and consistently. How have you been able to stay on course with your gardening?
Our 2 housemaids are being commission by my husband to clean the backyard once in a while. We cannot attend to that anymore unlike before when we had the time to spare. But the caring of plants like looking for pests, we handle that particularly the harvesting. During summer, my husband would wake up early to water the plants. He said it is not good to water the garden in the afternoon because the mosquitoes would breed. I guess we are still in control of our garden somehow.
Well great for you.Corzshens. Every day for weeks now I have been looking at what used to be my garden and it hurts to see the desolate waste. Since posting, the excellent gardener was fired for stealing. I am hoping he might be given another chance because neither my husband or myself have the time to deal with the garden, As for my son, I am sure he has never even given it a thought. The stage that it's at now needs a person with special skills: it's one right mess.
My garden has also gone to waste this year. The space I garden in has been overgrown by a weed that took root between the two fences between our yard and the neighbors yard. The thing has to be cut down with a saw. It has produces limbs and leaves that block out the sun, so now my gardening space does not get enough sun to use it for growing anything.
I was bought up with gardens ,my grandfather was a gardener and my father is a gardener ,I mean he spends all his time doing his garden ,a bit every day......"
Wher as me I can do a day then not bother for a fort night and that's when the garden can go to the wild ,a little every day does the trick and I just can't do that ,my vegi patch is tidy but could do with a bit of weeding
Finally we are seeing some rain for the last few days. Before that it was scorching hot and it just meant the land was dried up. I remember when this weather would be welcomed for the garden but since it's neglect it means I will soon have to contend with a small forest. We are way off course here. Recently someone asked what they could get from the garden and all I could offer was some bush for some bush tea.
I have to say weeds are a little all over the place in my yard right now - honestly it's not hampering the plants too much but it's more an aesthetic thing for me, it just looks bad.

Plants just seem to love the soil here for some reason - but that means the weeds do too, and I could literally spend hours pulling them and not be done.
I have to say weeds are a little all over the place in my yard right now - honestly it's not hampering the plants too much but it's more an aesthetic thing for me, it just looks bad.

Plants just seem to love the soil here for some reason - but that means the weeds do too, and I could literally spend hours pulling them and not be done.
Where are you Cupcakechef? Looking at my small forest is saddening in me and I would be lying if I did not say I miss going or more sending to the garden to get some produce. In the early stages I did not encourage it but once produce starting coming in I was happy. When my pocket is healthier I am going to find me some good help and get back on track.
Where are you Cupcakechef? Looking at my small forest is saddening in me and I would be lying if I did not say I miss going or more sending to the garden to get some produce. In the early stages I did not encourage it but once produce starting coming in I was happy. When my pocket is healthier I am going to find me some good help and get back on track.

Right now I'm living in Japan by virtue of my husbands work, He's in the Air Force. So we get the best of both worlds - familiarity of having an American supermarket easy to access, but all the fun of Japan and life off the military base!
Right now I'm living in Japan by virtue of my husbands work, He's in the Air Force. So we get the best of both worlds - familiarity of having an American supermarket easy to access, but all the fun of Japan and life off the military base!
どのようにあそこをしてる? I copied that from Bing so I hope it's nice and clean and not a slip of the fingers anywhere. I was just asking 'how are you over there?' and I suppose I already know the answer. You have the best of both world and even your garden is co-operating even if with some bush. My garden needs a "militant gardener' right now.
My mother usually does all the gardening but she hires some help for big constructions in our garden like for the pond and the gazeebo. I usually help her by tending to our vegetable garden, trimming stems, watering, mulching you name it. We're the only two people in the family who has green thumbs and have earth signs to boot, my predominantly water signed relatives just go out to walk the dog when helping around the house.
My mother usually does all the gardening but she hires some help for big constructions in our garden like for the pond and the gazeebo. I usually help her by tending to our vegetable garden, trimming stems, watering, mulching you name it. We're the only two people in the family who has green thumbs and have earth signs to boot, my predominantly water signed relatives just go out to walk the dog when helping around the house.

Great that you help out MyExWasAChef, I am terribly afraid of several bugs so I don't know that I will ever be able to do a whole lot. My husband brought in some help and it almost killed him. I could tell he was not the greatest gardener from the time he said hello. I believe will ever compare to the one we call a machine. Right now the garden beds are free of bush but just there doing nothing. The other thing that going to push me back if I wanted to try something myself is the sun. It's deadly most days. Anyway, I will keep on praying for a miracle, so I will be able to get lots of things from my garden again. The limes just outside the garden will have to suffice for now.
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