Stevia plant : Sugar Alternative


8 Feb 2015
Local time
12:01 AM
Hello everyone, have you try stevia as sugar alternative?

Stevia is a green, leafy plant native to South America, which for centuries has been used for medical purposes. It has strong and sweet flavor making it a great substitute for sugar. It is all natural and very low calorie content.

I tried it once and true to what health practitioners said it really sweet. Best for diet conscious individuals like me.
Yes I have used stevia a lot in the past. There is a funny flavor to it that you have to get used to. I used it in my coffee for years and the flavor does stand apart as slightly different. I don't know that I ever got used to it, but it is much healthier for you than artificial sweeteners.

I know they have packets or stevia but I actually preferred the liquid that came in a bottle with a dropper. I used to get it at the health food store and they even had flavored ones, like vanilla, etc.
I'm from South America (Brazil) and Stevia has been around for a while. However I'm not a fan of the taste, so I prefer a sweetener called Sucralose... I'm not sure if it's the same name in other places or if it's available everywhere but it tastes much more like sugar than Stevia, Aspartame and these other sweeteners people use.
Stevia is actually the healthiest and safest sugar alternative compared to xylithol and apartame. However I didn't like the taste very much. So I usually use honey instead. But I think I can get used to it.
It's been on the tv in the uk recently ,on a cookery programe by Raymond blanc at Kew gardens,he used the powder in sorbet and chantilly cream,I have read before there are side effects to stevia!
Yes I've heard of it. No I don't use it. I just use sugar because that's what I'm used to. Just to add, sugar is a natural product too... though of course no one wants to tell you that since "sugar is evil". But as with everything else, when used in moderation it won't destroy you.
You DO realize that there's lots of sugar in fruit and honey though, don't you? Two VERY HEALTHY products of nature! I'd be VERY wary of sugar alternatives if I were you, they may be "calorie free" or whatever, but that doesn't always mean it's actually GOOD for you, just like not all fats are bad for you.
You DO realize that there's lots of sugar in fruit and honey though, don't you? Two VERY HEALTHY products of nature! I'd be VERY wary of sugar alternatives if I were you, they may be "calorie free" or whatever, but that doesn't always mean it's actually GOOD for you, just like not all fats are bad for you.

I agree, I've started using honey on my coffee and sometimes I drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water and add honey. In my opinion, it tastes a lot better than stevia and other sugar alternatives.
When I saw it mention in this forum, I went out and got me some. It's different for sure, but I still keep it around and use it to some of my dishes. I use it in my Coleslaw and it's not a bad taste. I am actually quite please with it there. However when it comes to most hot or cold drinks something is lacking. Still if they say it's better for me, I am happy to use it.
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