Stocking up with sales


16 Nov 2014
Local time
8:23 PM
Washington, USA
What foods do you stock up on when they are on sale? My favorite things to stock up on are noodles, marinara sauce jars, fettuccine sauce jars, canned tomatoes, cereal, gravy mixes, and breads. These are items I use around the house often and I can always come up with a new meal whenever money is tight and I have these items on hand.
I always stock up on pasta and noodles as I will always eat them. There was a half price offer on some tomato sauces for bakes, so I got a few of those as they are good value with onions and garlic in so I don't need to add much to them.

I also stock up on cans of sweetcorn as they can be used in so many ways and cans of condensed soups which I use for sauces as well as a soup. Mushroom ones are the best and can be cooked with so many things. My parents use it with fish or chicken and I use it wit veggies and pasta or as a topping for a baked potato.
I don't know I am in time for much sales and the truth of the matter is that my husband has been doing most of the shopping recently. That said, if I do stock up on anything, it's going to be some can goods, tuna, salmon and the like. I have had to throw out too many dry goods over the years. Right now I am due a serious cleaning out of "expired goods".
Once or twice a year, I contact companies for coupons on all kinds of products. Once I get those, I tend to stock up a bit because they send free product and/or high value coupons to where I can afford to stock up. This includes meats and all.

Some of my go to items to stock up on are flour, sugar, yeast, vanilla and vegetable oil. With these items, you can basically make anything, with a few other ingredients added of course.
If something I use a lot is on offer (such as almond milk) then I will purchase more of it if it is on offer. Recently the almond milk in drink was reduced from £1.49 DOWN to £4 for 4. That's a substantial saving and given that we both drink it, it was worth getting and storing it because even the "fresh" stuff had a shelf life of several months.

I will also get expired items if they have a decent saving on them. Expiry days don't bother me with what I purchase.

But I will only purchase items we eat nothing more. I won't under any circumstances purchase something just because it is on offer or just because it is reduced. I also keep an eye on a UK online retailer called Approved Food because sometimes they do have items in that i use. But again, I am very strict with myself. I only purchase items that we eat and will eat and not just because they are there.
Food is not a bargain unless you actually plan to eat it. There has been a few times I bought something just because I got a good deal on it and then never ended up eating it and had to throw it out. That us a complete waste of money. I also don't go overboard and buy like a years worth of something because we may not eat it all.
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