Strong Or Mild?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
10:13 AM
Ohio, US
Do you have a preference for strong flavors or mild flavors, or does it really matter to you?

I think it was cheese that put the question in my mind, but it could apply to other things as well.

Me, I'm more in line with milder flavors, except for sweet things. If something is sweet, I like it really sweet, or otherwise intense, like a chocolate cake, I want it sweet and super-chocolatey.

What about you? Are you a mild or wild child?
I like both - it depends on the dish. When it comes to cheese I generally prefer strong cheese but a burrata is a beautiful thing and that is definitely mild. I'd say what I really like is complexity of flavour which is often a mix of strong and mild (as in a good curry).

What I don't like is over sweet food - but then I don't like sweet things in general.
Going with your cheese example I would have to say there isn't a cheese I didn't like. I'm good up and down the range I believe. It would really depend if the food in question hit the mark as far as how it represented itself. I mean you could have an overbearing flavour in what could be described as mild or subtle or not enough flavour, like a watery brown chicken stock, or almost no heat in a dish that would normally be described fiery. Basically I'm critiquing if the dish is balanced and if something is overpowering I will say so, but it may not be overpowering as far as tolerance is concerned. It's a touch question. Maybe I'm missing your point, not sure.
Reminds me of a story about something that happened to my neighbor...He was an Italian from New Jersey living with a Canadian girl up here in rural Ontario..He would go home once or twice a year to visit his family..the first time he came back from his visit, he brought back a bunch of food like strong Provolone and Romano....stuff that wasn't available here at the time..While he was at work that day, his wife threw some of it out thinking it was spoiled from the long trip back home the day before...he had to dig his cheeses out of the
Going with your cheese example I would have to say there isn't a cheese I didn't like. I'm good up and down the range I believe. It would really depend if the food in question hit the mark as far as how it represented itself. I mean you could have an overbearing flavour in what could be described as mild or subtle or not enough flavour, like a watery brown chicken stock, or almost no heat in a dish that would normally be described fiery. Basically I'm critiquing if the dish is balanced and if something is overpowering I will say so, but it may not be overpowering as far as tolerance is concerned. It's a touch question. Maybe I'm missing your point, not sure.
I think for the people who can tolerate and appreciate many flavors it's not really an issue and is hard to comprehend..I have a few picky people in our extended family and I can't believe the stuff they deem too spicy or won't even touch old me, that's pretty main stream...
Depends. If Indian or Mexican (and it would also depend on the specific dish) I like it to kick.... (something or other ...). Other foods I am more about the subtle.

I do dislike too sweet or too salty. I'm perfectly happy having dessert about once a month.

The work cafeteria used to serve an extremely mild chili. I was very surprised that a co worker found it far too hot for her!
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