The best seasoning for pasta is . . .


3 Dec 2013
Local time
9:42 AM
The best seasoning for past is salt.

Because pasta is usually doused with some type of meat and sauce, I don't think it should be seasoned with anything exotic. Salt gives pasta enough kick and goes well with almost any food.

I agree, but only if its good quality Pasta...Homemade, or good quality pasta with just salt and a drizzle of olive oil would be fine for me...On the other hand, slight additions can be wonderful

Put Linguini on to cook and at the same time, use a generous amount of your favourite extra virgin olive oil and saute really gently, some spring onions (white and green), garlic and pine nuts. once they are all slightly browned, add a huge handful of baby spinach, salt, chilli flakes and white pepper.

Add the pasta with a wee bit of the cooking water, stir and let it sit with the lid on for 5 minutes while you heat your plate and pour your wine

Very simple. No messy sauces.
Pesto. It is quite easy to do and has lots of flavor. Pesto pasta was one of my favorite dishes during college as it is really cheap and does not need too much time.
I agree with rock salt, basil and pesto and would also like to add rosemary (I find that it really complements pasta dishes and has such a lovely distinct taste), garlic and good old black pepper. :)
Another way to add some flavour into your pasta is to simply throw a bouillon cube in there. This obviously won't turn your pasta into a meal but will give it a lovely taste that goes well with a lot of sauces.
If I am going minimal, I usually just season my pasta with Romano Cheese in place of the salt, then some fresh cracked pepper, fresh garlic, and olive oil. If I am in the mood, perhaps a few red pepper flakes too. I tend to prefer stuff be under salted - what seems fine to me, might seem like it needs more salt to most others I suppose.
Pesto. It is quite easy to do and has lots of flavor. Pesto pasta was one of my favorite dishes during college as it is really cheap and does not need too much time.
Pesto is a terrific option! I agree with you, I had my fair share in college, thanks to my incredibly low budget at the time. :)
I also agree with others who posted salt as a good seasoning to pair with pasta. For me, I also like to use garlic salt. It gives the pasta an extra kick and usually goes really well with whatever sauce I use with is. Alfredo sauce or traditional tomato sauce go great with garlic salted pasta.
Fresh lemon juice! Nom.
Lemon juice?! I had never thought of that! That is very inexpensive and it is an everyday ingrediant in my home. I bet that really gives it a unique flavor! I will definitely have to try it! Thanks for sharing!
I love pesto and I also love a gorgonzola sauce that I do which is a white cheese sauce. That is very fat, but I absolutely love it! Carbonara and fungi are also delicious! I absolutely love pasta, and it's hard to find a seasoning or sauce I don't enjoy with it! I'm actually starting to get hungry just by thinking about pasta, and I'm on a diet.....
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