The first thing I ever cooked was...

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:10 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
What was the first thing you ever cooked - I mean 'solo' as an adult? I have a horrible feeling that mine might have been a Vesta curry. It was an early ready-meal so I'm not sure that it even counts as cooking! :D I was hopeless as a young adult and could barely boil an egg. What about you?
I cooked a bit as a kid in the Boy Scouts on camping trips, but the first thing that I can recall cooking as an adult (after college) was shrimp and scallop parmagiana with a side of angel hair.
It was terrible; like eating rubber, and the pasta was mush.

I wanted to make a meal to impress my new girlfriend, so I invited her over and asked her what was a favorite dish.

So, I made a nice fresh basil tomato sauce, then cooked the shrimp in it for a half hour or so while I got ready for our date.
By the time I put cheese on it and baked it a little longer, it was better suited for making truck tires. I even overcooked the pasta into mush.
The first thing I cooked all on my own as an adult was lasagne. I was at Uni in Leeds and I had a new friend I wanted to impress. Someone should have told me that lasagne isn't an easy thing to make. I made a salad to go with it which was probably the only edible bit.
On my sabbatical in '71, I came across garlic for the first time. So upon return I cooked beans on toast with garlic. Unfortunately I thought a clove of garlic was the whole head so I ended up with garlic with beans on toast. It didn't put me off garlic though (luckily).
On my sabbatical in '71, I came across garlic for the first time. So upon return I cooked beans on toast with garlic. Unfortunately I thought a clove of garlic was the whole head so I ended up with garlic with beans on toast. It didn't put me off garlic though (luckily).
I had to cook for the children when I was a mother's help but mostly basic meals under the direction of their mother who was a great cook. They had a lot of homemade chips and I was really nervous of having an open pan of hot fat while still having to watch the children.
I have always refused to deep fat fry anything in my own home.

The first thing I remember cooking for myself after I'd left home, that wasn't eggs or from a tin or a packet, was a grilled pork chop. I can't remember what I made to go with it.
I can't remember either, but I had bought a basic cookery book so it was probably something out of there. I can remember the first thing I ever cooked though. I was 14 or 15 and I cooked pasta with eggs in a tomato sauce. Not very exciting and if I was presented with it now, I'd probably make my excuses and leave.

I remember Vesta curries. Awful concoctions by today's standards but very "exotic" then. I couldn't believe you could still buy them but I suppose they are an alternative to Snack Pots and Pot Noodles, etc. An African Asian chap and his Irish wife I knew used to have Vesta curries at least once a week :( but then I'm not sure that either of them could actually cook.
What was the first thing you ever cooked - I mean 'solo' as an adult? I have a horrible feeling that mine might have been a Vesta curry. It was an early ready-meal so I'm not sure that it even counts as cooking! :D I was hopeless as a young adult and could barely boil an egg. What about you?
Interesting. What was your meal composed of and how was it cooked?
I had to learn a lot of things, including cooking, quite young as my parents died when I was 14 and 15. I couldn't tell you precisely the first thing I ever cooked, but there was quite a bit of free-form experimentation. Come to think of it, my cooking is still a bit like that.
Macaroni and cheese at age 11. No parental supervision. Had to feed my younger brother.
Fried tuna. 12/13 years old.For me and my brother while our parents weren't at home. My brother was my perfect tester for my cooking experimental. I think he has even today nightmare about that meal..fried tuna. After eating this, I didn'see him for 2 hours....
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